Key, Francis Scott, 1779-1843
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- Charles Taylor v. Ariss Buckner & Bernard H. Buckner
- Charlotte v. Lloyd Pumphrey
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- Emanuel Price v. Thomas N. Davis
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- Esther Humphreys v. John B. Lambert
- Fanny, Becky, James, & Mary v. Thomas Quandell
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- George v. Gabriel Adams
- Georgiana, Moses, Thomas, & Mary v. Edward Swann
- Gerrard v. Zachariah Cox
- Harry Quando v. Clagett
- Henry Jackson v. Ariss Buckner & Bernard H. Buckner
- Hester Queen v. James Nevitt & Richard Nally
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- Isaac Davis & Edgar Davis v. John Travers
- Jack Garretson, Richard Luckett, Richard Johnson, & Rachael Garretson v. Janet Lingan
- Jack Rhodes v. William Glover
- James Burk v. Coleman Lewis
- James Butler v. Electius Spalding
- James Currill v. Archibald McMullin
- James Humphreys v. Henry Roberts
- James Hutton v. William J. Belt
- James Thompson v. Electius Spalding
- Jane Sims v. Benjamin King
- Jenny Thompson v. Joseph Clarke
- Joe Crawford v. Roberta Slye & Robert A. Slye
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- Ben v. Sabret Scott. Petition for Freedom (October 8, 1806)
- Ben v. Sabret Scott. Summons of Sabret Scott (October 8, 1806)
- Ben v. Sabret Scott. Circuit Court Report (October 1806)
- Ben v. Sabret Scott. Agreement of Counsel (June 25, 1807)
- Fidelio Winters v. Alice Dermott. Civil Court Report (June 1807)
- Ben v. Sabret Scott. Circuit Court Report (June 1807)
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- Clem Joice v. Robert Alexander. Civil Court Report (December 1808)
- Nan v. Daniel Moxley, Elizabeth Crow, Edward Edelin, & Harriet Beans. Summons of Daniel Moxley, Elizabeth Crow, Edward Edelin, & Harriet Beans (January 16, 1809)
- Nan v. Daniel Moxley, Elizabeth Crow, Edward Edelin, & Harriet Beans. Petition for Freedom (January 16, 1809)
- Ben v. Sabret Scott. Minute Book Entry (April 10, 1809)
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- Lucy v. Stephen Cooke. Summons of Stephen Cooke (April 25, 1809)
- Ben v. Sabret Scott. Circuit Court Report (April 1809)
- James Currill v. Archibald McMullin. Summons of Archibald McMullin (October 16, 1809)
- James Currill v. Archibald McMullin. Petition for Freedom (October 16, 1809)
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- Hester Queen v. James Nevitt & Richard Nally. Summons of James Nevitt and Richard Nally (January 8, 1810)
- Mima Queen v. John Hepburn. Summons of John Hepburn (January 8, 1810)
- Hester Queen v. James Nevitt & Richard Nally. Petition for Freedom (January 8, 1810)
- Priscilla Queen v. Francis Neale. Summons of Francis Neale (January 8, 1810)
- Alexis Queen v. John Davis. Petition for Freedom (January 10, 1810)
- Alexis Queen v. John Davis. Summons of John Davis (January 10, 1810)
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- Arnold v. George N. Thomas. Petition for Freedom (June 26, 1810)
- Mima Queen v. John Hepburn. Bond (June 29, 1810)
- Isaac Davis & Edgar Davis v. John Travers. John Travers to Francis S. Key (July 4, 1810)
- Joe v. George Chapman. Petition for Freedom (October 10, 1810)
- Nancy Queen v. Charles Neale. Judgment Record (December 1810)
- Moses Queen v. Henrietta Sanders. Judgment Record (December 1810)
- Anne v. Elisha Williams. Summons of Elisha W. Williams (April 20, 1811)
- Anne v. Elisha W. Williams. Petition for Freedom (April 20, 1811)
- Joe v. George Chapman. Summons of George Chapman (April 20, 1811)
- Ben v. Sabret Scott. Deposition of Richard Ratcliffe (June 12, 1811)
- Hezekiah Wood v. John Davis. Supreme Court Report (February 1812)
- Fanny v. Thomas Quandell. Petition for Freedom (June 17, 1812)
- John Davis v. Hezekiah Wood. Transcript from Circuit Court (September 29, 1812)
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- Matilda Gray v. Mary Ann Pic. Petition for Freedom (November 26, 1812)
- Sarah Green v. Alexander Spalding. Summons of Alexander Spalding (February 19, 1813)
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- Mima Queen v. John Hepburn. Supreme Court Report (February 1813)
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- Attorney Against Adams, Gabriel
- Attorney Against Alexander, Richard B.
- Attorney Against Alford, John L.
- Attorney Against Armfield, John
- Attorney Against Arnold, Rezin
- Attorney Against Bacon, Ebenezer
- Attorney Against Ball, Henry W.
- Attorney Against Ballard, Rice C. (Rice Carter), -1860
- Attorney Against Barnes, Peggy
- Attorney Against Barron, Henry
- Attorney Against Bayne, John H.
- Attorney Against Beans, Harriet
- Attorney Against Belt, William
- Attorney Against Bennett, James D.
- Attorney Against Berry, William
- Attorney Against Bordley, Charlotte
- Attorney Against Bordley, James
- Attorney Against Bordley, Phillis
- Attorney Against Bordley, Rachel
- Attorney Against Bordley, Susan
- Attorney Against Boswell, John
- Attorney Against Brown
- Attorney Against Buckner, Ariss
- Attorney Against Buckner, Bernard H.
- Attorney Against Caldwell, Elias Boudinot
- Attorney Against Chapman, George
- Attorney Against Clagett, Mary
- Attorney Against Clagett, Phillis
- Attorney Against Clagett, Thomas
- Attorney Against Clagett, Truman
- Attorney Against Clarke, Joseph
- Attorney Against Clarke, Walter
- Attorney Against Coburn, John
- Attorney Against Cocke, Smith
- Attorney Against Conn, Jess
- Attorney Against Contee, Philip
- Attorney Against Cox, Zachariah
- Attorney Against Crawford, William
- Attorney Against Crow, Elizabeth
- Attorney Against Davis, John
- Attorney Against Davis, John
- Attorney Against Davis, Mary Ann
- Attorney Against Davis, Teresa
- Attorney Against Davis, Thomas
- Attorney Against Duvall, Gabriel, 1752-1844
- Attorney Against Edelin, Edward
- Attorney Against Estes, Christopher J.
- Attorney Against Fenwick, Robert
- Attorney Against Gantt, John
- Attorney Against Garretson, Jack
- Attorney Against Garretson, Rachel
- Attorney Against Glover, William
- Attorney Against Hatton, Basil
- Attorney Against Hepburn, John
- Attorney Against Heronimus, Pendleton
- Attorney Against Hiort, Henry
- Attorney Against Hutchison, James
- Attorney Against Jarvis, Henry
- Attorney Against Jewell, Elisha
- Attorney Against Johns, Thomas
- Attorney Against Johnson, Richard
- Attorney Against Joice, Clem
- Attorney Against Kincheloe, Ann
- Attorney Against King, Benjamin
- Attorney Against Kirby, George
- Attorney Against Lambert, John B.
- Attorney Against Lewis, Coleman
- Attorney Against Lowe, John H.
- Attorney Against Luckett, Richard
- Attorney Against Lyons, John
- Attorney Against Mason, George
- Attorney Against Mason, Richard B.
- Attorney Against Massey, Thomas
- Attorney Against McCandless, George
- Attorney Against McMullin, Archibald
- Attorney Against McPherson, Samuel
- Attorney Against Milburn, George
- Attorney Against Miller, George
- Attorney Against Miller, George, Jr.
- Attorney Against Moore, Alexander
- Attorney Against Moxley, Daniel
- Attorney Against Nally, Richard
- Attorney Against Neale, Charles
- Attorney Against Neale, Francis
- Attorney Against Offutt
- Attorney Against Offutt, Thomas
- Attorney Against Offutt, Thomas, Jr.
- Attorney Against Palmer, Innis B.
- Attorney Against Pic, Mary Ann
- Attorney Against Pulizzi, Venerand
- Attorney Against Pumphrey, John
- Attorney Against Pumphrey, Levi
- Attorney Against Pumphrey, Lloyd
- Attorney Against Quandell, Thomas
- Attorney Against Riley, John H.
- Attorney Against Ringgold, Mary
- Attorney Against Ringgold, Tench
- Attorney Against Roberts, Henry
- Attorney Against Rose, John
- Attorney Against Sam
- Attorney Against Sanders, Henrietta
- Attorney Against Sawyer, Lemuel
- Attorney Against Scott, George B.
- Attorney Against Shorter, Charles
- Attorney Against Shorter, Mary
- Attorney Against Shorter, Rachel
- Attorney Against Shorter, Thomas
- Attorney Against Shorter, William
- Attorney Against Slye, Robert A.
- Attorney Against Smallwood, Elizabeth
- Attorney Against Smith, James
- Attorney Against Smith, Jeremiah
- Attorney Against Smith, Sarah
- Attorney Against Smith, Thomas
- Attorney Against Somers, John
- Attorney Against Somers, Nathan
- Attorney Against Spalding, Alexander
- Attorney Against Spalding, Electius
- Attorney Against Talburt, Lewin
- Attorney Against Tench
- Attorney Against Thomas, George N.
- Attorney Against Tooker, Lansing
- Attorney Against Torrance, James
- Attorney Against VanMeter, Abraham
- Attorney Against Wallingsford, Joseph
- Attorney Against Warring, Basil
- Attorney Against White, Joseph M., 1781-1839
- Attorney Against Whiting, Elizabeth
- Attorney Against Williams, Elisha W.
- Attorney Against Winters, Fidelio
- Attorney For Airy
- Attorney For Alexander, Robert
- Attorney For Allen, Eliza Jane
- Attorney For Allen, John Davy
- Attorney For Allen, Julia Maria
- Attorney For Allen, Sarah Ann
- Attorney For Anne
- Attorney For Arnold
- Attorney For Bailey, Adam
- Attorney For Becky
- Attorney For Ben
- Attorney For Betsy
- Attorney For Bias, Samuel
- Attorney For Bowman, Frederick
- Attorney For Brent, Alexander
- Attorney For Brent, Rachael
- Attorney For Brown, Letty
- Attorney For Brown, Mary Eliza
- Attorney For Brown, Robert
- Attorney For Brown, Rosanna
- Attorney For Burk, James
- Attorney For Butler, Airy
- Attorney For Butler, Eliza
- Attorney For Butler, James
- Attorney For Butler, Liddy
- Attorney For Butler, Reason
- Attorney For Butler, Sally
- Attorney For Butler, Sarah
- Attorney For Butler, Thomas
- Attorney For Casanave, Ann
- Attorney For Cato
- Attorney For Chapman, Eliza
- Attorney For Chapman, Robert
- Attorney For Charlotte
- Attorney For Charlotte
- Attorney For Childs, Gabriel L.
- Attorney For Childs, Lewis
- Attorney For Chloe
- Attorney For Crawford, Joseph
- Attorney For Crowner, Charity
- Attorney For Crowner, George
- Attorney For Crowner, William
- Attorney For Currill, James
- Attorney For Daniel
- Attorney For David
- Attorney For Delia
- Attorney For Dermott, Alice
- Attorney For Derrick, Louisa
- Attorney For Derrick, Lucy
- Attorney For Derrick, Matilda
- Attorney For Derrick, Matilda
- Attorney For Douglass, Ned
- Attorney For Edmund
- Attorney For Eliza
- Attorney For Eliza
- Attorney For Emerson, Hiram
- Attorney For Esther
- Attorney For Ethington, William
- Attorney For Fanny
- Attorney For Fenwick, William
- Attorney For Gasbury, Emanuel
- Attorney For George
- Attorney For Gerrard
- Attorney For Gibson, Ann
- Attorney For Graham, Moses
- Attorney For Gray, Matilda
- Attorney For Gray, William
- Attorney For Green, Sarah
- Attorney For Green, William
- Attorney For Hall, Richard
- Attorney For Henry, Sally
- Attorney For Henry, William
- Attorney For Humphreys, Esther
- Attorney For Humphreys, James
- Attorney For Humphreys, Nace
- Attorney For Humphreys, Nace, Jr.
- Attorney For Humphreys, Wood
- Attorney For Humphries
- Attorney For Hutton, James
- Attorney For Jackson, Cassius
- Attorney For Jackson, Fanny
- Attorney For Jackson, Henry
- Attorney For Jackson, Louisa
- Attorney For Jackson, Maria
- Attorney For Jackson, Robert
- Attorney For James
- Attorney For Jane
- Attorney For Joe
- Attorney For Jordan, William
- Attorney For Joseph
- Attorney For Juda
- Attorney For Kitty
- Attorney For Kitty
- Attorney For Leanna
- Attorney For Lee, Sylvia
- Attorney For Lemon, Amy
- Attorney For Lemon, Betsey
- Attorney For Lemon, Dennis
- Attorney For Lemon, Harriet
- Attorney For Lemon, Kitty
- Attorney For Lemon, Lavinia
- Attorney For Lemon, Nelly
- Attorney For Lemon, Thomas
- Attorney For Lingan, Janet
- Attorney For Louisa
- Attorney For Lucy
- Attorney For Madison
- Attorney For Magruder, Elizabeth
- Attorney For Maria
- Attorney For Mary
- Attorney For Mary
- Attorney For Mary
- Attorney For Milley
- Attorney For Milly
- Attorney For Nan
- Attorney For Noah
- Attorney For Over, David
- Attorney For Over, Francis
- Attorney For Over, Thomas
- Attorney For Parker, John
- Attorney For Peterson, John
- Attorney For Price, Emanuel
- Attorney For Quando, Harry
- Attorney For Queen, Alexis
- Attorney For Queen, Hester
- Attorney For Queen, Louisa
- Attorney For Queen, Mima
- Attorney For Queen, Moses
- Attorney For Queen, Nancy
- Attorney For Queen, Priscilla
- Attorney For Rachel
- Attorney For Rachel
- Attorney For Rhodes, Jack
- Attorney For Sarah
- Attorney For Shelton, Thomas
- Attorney For Shiner, Ann
- Attorney For Shiner, Harriet
- Attorney For Shiner, Mary Ann
- Attorney For Shiner, Phillis
- Attorney For Sims, Jane
- Attorney For Smith, Abraham
- Attorney For Smith, Samuel
- Attorney For Smith, Susan
- Attorney For Stacey
- Attorney For Stephen
- Attorney For Susan
- Attorney For Taylor, Charles
- Attorney For Thomas
- Attorney For Thomas, Robert
- Attorney For Thompson, James
- Attorney For Thompson, Jenny
- Attorney For Thompson, Joe
- Attorney For Thompson, Nelly
- Attorney For Thompson, Sarah Anne
- Attorney For Tilley, Anne
- Attorney For Tom
- Attorney For Turner, Rachel
- Attorney For Violet
- Attorney For Ward, Amelia
- Attorney For White, Mariah
- Attorney For William
- Attorney For Williams, Ann
- Attorney For Williams, Ann Maria
- Attorney For Williams, John
- Attorney For Williams, Tobias
- Attorney For Wilson, Cordelia
- Attorney For Winifred
- Attorney For Wood, Hezekiah
- Attorney For Wooden, Rezin
- Attorney For Wormly, Lynch
- Attorney With Beale, Robert
- Attorney With Caldwell, Elias Boudinot
- Attorney With Carlisle, James M.
- Attorney With Cox, Clement
- Attorney With Dandridge
- Attorney With Dermott, John J.
- Attorney With Dunlop, James
- Attorney With Hodgson, William Ludwell
- Attorney With Jones, Walter
- Attorney With Lear, B. L.
- Attorney With Morris, John Boucher
- Attorney With Morsell, James Sewall
- Attorney With Smith, B. P.
- Attorney With Swann, Thomas, 1789-1845
- Attorney With Taney, Augustus
- Attorney With Wallach, Richard
- Deposed Middleton, Walter H.
- Legal Giberson, Gilbert L.
- Legal Middleton
- Legal Smoot
- Opposing Attorneys Ashton, Henry
- Opposing Attorneys Bradley, Joseph H. (Joseph Habersham), 1802-1887
- Opposing Attorneys Brent, William Leigh
- Opposing Attorneys Bryce
- Opposing Attorneys Bussard, William
- Opposing Attorneys Caldwell, Elias Boudinot
- Opposing Attorneys Chapman, Henry Henley, 1764-1821
- Opposing Attorneys Coxe, Richard Smith
- Opposing Attorneys Dorsey, Clement
- Opposing Attorneys Elkins, Jeremiah
- Opposing Attorneys Hay, George
- Opposing Attorneys Jones, Walter
- Opposing Attorneys Law, John
- Opposing Attorneys Lear, B. L.
- Opposing Attorneys Lee, Charles, 1758-1815
- Opposing Attorneys Lee, Edmund J.
- Opposing Attorneys Marbury, John
- Opposing Attorneys Morsell, James Sewall
- Opposing Attorneys Randall, Thomas
- Opposing Attorneys Sampson
- Opposing Attorneys Smith
- Opposing Attorneys Swann
- Opposing Attorneys Swann, Thomas, 1789-1845
- Opposing Attorneys Taney, Augustus
- Opposing Attorneys Taylor, Robert I.
- Opposing Attorneys Wallach, Richard
- Witness Against Ann
- Witness Against Margaret
- Witness Against Rebecca
- Witness Against William
- Witness For Pumphrey, Lloyd
- Witness Of Baker, John W.
- Witness Of Fenwick, Clara
- Witness Of Pumphrey, Lloyd
- Witness Of Sparling, Thomas
- Witness Of Swann, Thomas, 1789-1845