Hester Queen v. James Nevitt & Richard Nally. Summons of James Nevitt and Richard Nally

District of Columbia Sct
The United States of America. to the Marshal of the District of Columbia. greeting
You are hereby commanded to Summon James Nevitt and Richard Nally late of Washington County, if they shall be found within the County of Washington, that all excuses and delays set aside they be and appear before the Court here immediately, to answer the Petition for freedom of a certain Hester Queen in this Court exhibited against them. Hereof fail not at your peril and have you then and there this writ. Witness the hon Wm Cranch Chief Judge of our fair Court this 8th day of Jany 1810.
Wm Brent Clk
F.S. Key

241. Trials 208. 238. 189 217. 249. 250
Hester Queen
James Nevitt & Richard Nally
Petn for freedom.
sumd Nevitt 8 Jany & sumd Nally Feb 21.
W Boyd Marshal