Duvall, Gabriel, 1752-1844
Described in Case Documents As:
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- Anne Boston v. John Francis Mercer
- Anne Butler v. John Lucas
- Anne Butler v. Mary Shervin
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- Anthony Butler v. Mary Shervin
- Augustus Butler v. William Thomas
- Basil Shorter v. Charles Carroll
- Basil Shorter v. Henry Rozer
- Benjamin Boston v. Richard Sprigg
- Bet Boston v. John Francis Mercer
- Charity Butler v. Joseph Thompson
- Charity Shorter v. Ignatius Matthews
- Charles Butler v. John Thomas
- Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton
- Charles Shorter v. John Digges & Francis Digges
- Clement Butler v. Henry Pyke
- Clement Butler v. Henry Spalding
- Clement Butler v. Jezreel Penn
- Daniel Boston v. Henry Hall
- Daniel Boston v. John Francis Mercer
- Daniel Boston v. John Francis Mercer & Sophia Mercer
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- Deborah Boston v. Benjamin Ogle
- Deborah Boston v. Richard Richardson
- Edward Queen v. John Ashton
- Eleanor Butler v. Joseph Gardiner
- Eleanor Butler v. Robert Lawson
- Eleanor Shorter & James Shorter v. Hanson Briscoe
- Electius Butler v. Bennett Posey
- Elizabeth Butler v. Henry Hill
- Elizabeth Butler v. Joseph Simmes
- Fanny Boston v. John Francis Mercer
- George Boston v. James Murray
- George Boston v. John Francis Mercer & Sophia Mercer
- Gerard Shorter v. Mary Boarman
- Giles Butler v. John Somerville
- Guy Boston v. Richard Richardson
- Hannah, Mary, Anne, Hannah, Daniel, Silla, & Peggy Hawkins v. Sarah Disney
- Henny Boston v. John Francis Mercer
- Henny Butler v. Charles Carroll
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- Henny Butler v. Henry Hill
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- Ralph Butler v. John Lucas. Petition for Freedom (May 14, 1789)
- Charity Butler v. Joseph Thompson. Summons of Joseph Thompson (October 19, 1789)
- Charity Butler v. Joseph Thompson. Petition for Freedom (October 19, 1789)
- Clement Butler v. Henry Pyke. Petition for Freedom (May 13, 1790)
- Jacob Butler v. Eleanor Taney. Petition for Freedom (May 14, 1790)
- Giles Butler v. John Somerville. Petition for Freedom (May 17, 1790)
- Giles Butler v. John Somerville. Summons of George Somerville (October 19, 1790)
- Agnes Butler v. Robert Lawson. Petition for Freedom (October 21, 1790)
- Electius Butler v. Bennett Posey. Petition for Freedom (October 21, 1790)
- Henny Butler v. Charles Carroll. Petition for Freedom (October 21, 1790)
- Ignatius Butler v. Joseph Simms. Petition for Freedom (October 21, 1790)
- Thomas Butler v. Bennett Posey. Petition for Freedom (October 21, 1790)
- Eleanor Butler v. Robert Lawson. Petition for Freedom (October 21, 1790)
- Milley Butler v. Robert Sinnett. Petition for Freedom (October 21, 1790)
- Henrietta Butler v. Edward Smith. Petition for Freedom (October 21, 1790)
- Henrietta Butler v. Edward Hamilton. Petition for Freedom (October 21, 1790)
- Anthony Butler v. Mary Shervin. Petition for Freedom (November 14, 1790)
- Jane Butler v. Robert Lawson. Petition for Freedom (November 14, 1790)
- Jerrard Butler v. Robert Lawson. Summons of Robert Lawson (December 7, 1790)
- Anne Butler v. Mary Shervin. Petition for Freedom (November 14, 1790)
- Jerrard Butler v. Robert Lawson. Petition for Freedom (November 14, 1790)
- Mary Butler v. Robert Lawson. Petition for Freedom (November 14, 1790)
- Rebecca Butler v. Robert Lawson. Petition for Freedom (November 14, 1790)
- Rebecca Butler v. Mary Shervin. Petition for Freedom (November 14, 1790)
- Augustus Butler v. William Thomas. Petition for Freedom (November 15, 1790)
- Lydia Butler v. James Carrico. Petition for Freedom (November 18, 1790)
- Jacob Butler v. Eleanor Taney. Summons of Eleanor Taney (December 6, 1790)
- Ignatius Butler v. Joseph Simms. Summons of Joseph Sims (December 7, 1790)
- Anne Butler v. Mary Shervin. Summons of Mary Shervin (December 7, 1790)
- Thomas Butler v. Bennett Posey. Summons of Bennett Posey (December 7, 1790)
- Mary Butler v. Robert Lawson. Summons of Robert Lawson (December 7, 1790)
- Henrietta Butler v. Edward Hamilton. Summons of Edward Hamilton (December 7, 1790)
- Henrietta Butler v. Edward Smith. Summons of Edward Smith (December 7, 1790)
- Augustus Butler v. William Thomas. Summons of William Thomas (December 7, 1790)
- Lydia Butler v. James Carrico. Summons of James Carrico (December 7, 1790)
- Electius Butler v. Bennett Posey. Summons of Bennett Posey (December 7, 1790)
- Milley Butler v. Robert Sinnett. Summons of Robert Sinnett (December 7, 1790)
- Anthony Butler v. Mary Shervin. Summons of Mary Shervin (December 7, 1790)
- Rebecca Butler v. Mary Shervin. Summons of Mary Shervin (December 7, 1790)
- Henny Butler v. Charles Carroll. Summons of Charles Carroll (December 7, 1790)
- Rebecca Butler v. Robert Lawson. Summons of Robert Lawson (December 7, 1790)
- Jane Butler v. Robert Lawson. Summons of Robert Lawson (December 7, 1790)
- Agnes Butler v. Robert Lawson. Summons of Robert Lawson (December 7, 1790)
- Eleanor Butler v. Robert Lawson. Summons of Robert Lawson (December 7, 1790)
- Robert Thomas v. Henry Pile. Petition for Freedom (May 18, 1791)
- Rebecca Butler v. Mary Shervin. Memorandum (May 1791)
- Edward Queen v. John Ashton. Petition for Freedom (October 15, 1791)
- Edward Queen v. John Ashton. Summons of John Ashton (October 17, 1791)
- Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton. Petition for Freedom (October 18, 1791)
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- Acquaintance Of Kennedy, Matthew
- Attorney Against Ashton, John
- Attorney Against Barnes, Henry
- Attorney Against Boarman, John
- Attorney Against Boarman, Joseph
- Attorney Against Boarman, Mary
- Attorney Against Booth, Richard
- Attorney Against Bradford, Eleanor
- Attorney Against Brewer, Thomas
- Attorney Against Briscoe, Hanson
- Attorney Against Butler, Airy
- Attorney Against Butler, Eliza
- Attorney Against Butler, Liddy
- Attorney Against Butler, Matilda
- Attorney Against Butler, Reason
- Attorney Against Butler, Sally
- Attorney Against Butler, Sarah
- Attorney Against Butler, Thomas
- Attorney Against Carroll, Charles
- Attorney Against Chunn, Anne
- Attorney Against Digges, Francis
- Attorney Against Digges, John
- Attorney Against Edelen, Richard
- Attorney Against Fenwick, John
- Attorney Against Hazle, Edward
- Attorney Against Hurley, Mary
- Attorney Against Jordan, Richard
- Attorney Against Key, Philip Barton, 1757-1815
- Attorney Against Matthews.Ignatius
- Attorney Against Neale, Henry
- Attorney Against Pile, Henry
- Attorney Against Rozer, Henry
- Attorney Against Smith, John
- Attorney Against Sparrow, Solomon
- Attorney Against Stone, Thomas
- Attorney Against Tyer, William
- Attorney For Duvall, Gabriel, 1752-1844
- Attorney For Hawkins, Anne
- Attorney For Hawkins, Daniel
- Attorney For Hawkins, Hannah
- Attorney For Hawkins, Hannah
- Attorney For Hawkins, Mary
- Attorney For Hawkins, Peggy
- Attorney For Hawkins, Silla
- Attorney For Mahoney, Charles
- Attorney For Queen, Charles
- Attorney For Queen, Edward
- Attorney For Queen, Phillis
- Attorney For Queen, Winifred
- Attorney For Shorter, Abby
- Attorney For Shorter, Basil
- Attorney For Shorter, Basil
- Attorney For Shorter, Bett
- Attorney For Shorter, Charity
- Attorney For Shorter, Charity
- Attorney For Shorter, Charles
- Attorney For Shorter, Charles
- Attorney For Shorter, Charles
- Attorney For Shorter, Clement
- Attorney For Shorter, Eleanor
- Attorney For Shorter, Gerrard
- Attorney For Shorter, Gerrard
- Attorney For Shorter, Henny
- Attorney For Shorter, Henrietta
- Attorney For Shorter, Ignatius
- Attorney For Shorter, James
- Attorney For Shorter, James
- Attorney For Shorter, James
- Attorney For Shorter, Jenny
- Attorney For Shorter, Joseph
- Attorney For Shorter, Joseph
- Attorney For Shorter, Leonard
- Attorney For Shorter, Letty
- Attorney For Shorter, Lucy
- Attorney For Shorter, Monica
- Attorney For Shorter, Ned
- Attorney For Shorter, Osborn
- Attorney For Shorter, Patty
- Attorney For Shorter, Phillis
- Attorney For Shorter, Priscilla
- Attorney For Shorter, Stephen
- Attorney For Shorter, Teresa
- Attorney For Shorter, Teresa
- Attorney For Shorter, Thomas
- Attorney For Shorter, Will
- Attorney For Shorter, William
- Attorney For Thomas, Robert
- Attorney For Weems, David
- Attorney With Belt, Levin
- Attorney With Gantt, John Mackall, 1762-1811
- Attorney With Key, Philip Barton, 1757-1815
- Attorney With Pinkney, William
- Attorney With Wilmer, Jonathan Roberts
- Client Of Duvall, Gabriel, 1752-1844
- Client Of Jones, Walter
- Client Of Lee, Charles C.
- Defendant Against Butler, Airy
- Defendant Against Butler, Eliza
- Defendant Against Butler, Liddy
- Defendant Against Butler, Matilda
- Defendant Against Butler, Reason
- Defendant Against Butler, Sally
- Defendant Against Butler, Sarah
- Defendant Against Butler, Thomas
- Deposed Barnes, Richard
- Deposed Boarman, Leonard
- Deposed Digges, Jane
- Deposed Hanson, Walter
- Deposed Harbard, Peter
- Deposed Leigh, Sophia
- Deposed McClaron, Jannett
- Deposed McConchie, William
- Deposed McKoy, Mary
- Deposed Parnham
- Deposed Ray, Charles
- Deposed Reeder, Richard Robin
- Deposed Simms, William
- Deposed Soper, Nathan
- Deposed Stone, Mary
- Deposed Swann, William
- Deposed Thompson, Ann
- Deposed Webster, Thomas
- Judge Of Derrick, Louisa
- Judge Of Derrick, Lucy
- Judge Of Derrick, Matilda
- Judge Of Derrick, Matilda
- Judge Of Hepburn, John
- Judge Of Mason, George
- Judge Of Moore, Alexander
- Judge Of Queen, Louisa
- Judge Of Queen, Mima
- Judged By Chalmers, John
- Judged By Cranch, William
- Legal Digges, Thomas
- Legal Ijams, Plummer
- Legal Scalon, W. W.
- Opposing Attorneys Buchanan, Thomas
- Opposing Attorneys Chase, Jeremiah Townley, 1748-1828
- Opposing Attorneys Chase, Samuel
- Opposing Attorneys Cooke, William
- Opposing Attorneys Digges, Francis
- Opposing Attorneys Dorsey, William Hammond
- Opposing Attorneys Key, Philip Barton, 1757-1815
- Opposing Attorneys Mason, John T. (John Thomson), 1787-1850
- Opposing Attorneys Ridgely, Henry
- Opposing Attorneys Sprigg, Richard, Jr.
- Oppositions Attorney Beale, Robert
- Oppositions Attorney Disney, Sarah
- Oppositions Attorney Key, Francis Scott
- Purchased Slave From Dells, John
- Slaveholder Of Butler, Airy
- Slaveholder Of Butler, Eliza
- Slaveholder Of Butler, Liddy
- Slaveholder Of Butler, Matilda
- Slaveholder Of Butler, Reason
- Slaveholder Of Butler, Sally
- Slaveholder Of Butler, Sarah
- Slaveholder Of Butler, Thomas
- Witness For Queen, Louisa
- Witness For Queen, Mima
- Witness For Queen, Priscilla
- Witness Of Hill, William
- Witness Of Rozer, Henry