Fanny v. Thomas Quandell. Petition for Freedom
The Petition of Negro Fanny for herself & also for & in behalf of her children Mary Becky & James, Infants respectfully sheweth:
That your Petitioner & her said children are entitled to their freedom & are unjustly held in bondage by a certain Thomas Quandell who claims & holds the said petitioners as his slaves.
Your Petitioners further state that the said Quandell does not reside in this district & is about now to have the same, & to remove your Petitioners beyond the Jurisdiction of this Court.
Wherefore your Honors are prayed to grant your Petitioners a subpoena to the said Quandell directed that he may be compelled to appear before your Honors & that just relief may be granted to your said Petitioners in the premisses as to your Honors may seem proper.
FS Key for Petrs:
Geo Town.
262 Trs.
Negro Fanny & Children
Thomas Quandell
fild. 17 Jun 1812