James Currill v. Archibald McMullin. Petition for Freedom

District of Columbia
Washington County sct
The Petition of Archibald Mc Negro James, otherwise called James Currill, humbly sheweth that your Petitioner is entitled to his freedom & is unjustly held in bondage by a certain Archibald McMullin, who claims your Petitioner as a slave.
Wherefore he humbly prays the United States writ of subpoena to issue to the said Archibald McMullin directed that he may appear & answer hereunto. & such other relief as to your Honors may seem just.
F S Key for Pet
To the Honble the Judges of the Circuit Court of the district of Columbia for Washington County

Negro James
Archd. McMullin
Pet. for freedom
Mr Brent
File this & issue sbpa.
F S Key
Filed 16th October 1809.