Priscilla Queen v. Francis Neale. Petition for Freedom

To the Honble the Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for Washington County—
The petition of Priscilla Queen of Washington County humbly sheath that your petitioner is entitled to her freedom is unjustly held in bondage as a slave by a certain Francis Neale of said County—
Wherefore she prays your Honors to grant her relief in the premises & as she apprehends she may be removed out of the County & district before the next term of this Court she prays a subpoena to issue to the said Francis Neale reable immediately.
F S Key for Petr.

239. 206.
Priscilla Queen
Fras Neal
Mr Brent
File it & issue spa as prayed
FS Key.
filed 8 Jany 1810