Your search for: "Christy Hyman" returned 64 results
Amie v. Hanson Reno. Affidavit of Robert W. Peacock (April 13, 1802)
Amie v. Hanson Reno. Complaint
Amie v. Hanson Reno. Deposition of Elizabeth Marle (March 12, 1802)
Amie v. Hanson Reno. Deposition of Patrick Curry (March 12, 1802)
Amie v. Hanson Reno. Petition for Freedom
Amie v. Hanson Reno. Summons of Patrick Curry, Elizabeth Marle, & Samuel Cooper (July 6, 1803)
Baptist Shorter v. John Smith. Judgment Record (October 1795)
Basil Shorter v. Charles Carroll. Judgment Record (May 1795)
Basil Shorter v. Henry Rozer. Judgment Record (October 1794)
Charity Shorter v. Ignatius Matthews. Judgment Record (May 1795)
Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton. Deposition of John Wheat (May 30, 1797)
Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton. Depositions of Anne Hurdle & Henry Davis (May 6, 1797)
Charles Shorter v. John Digges & Francis Digges. Judgment Record (May 1795)
Ex Parte James. Warrant (July 20, 1817)
Ex Parte James. Writ of Habeas Corpus (December 3, 1817)
Gerard Shorter v. Mary Boarman. Judgment Record (October 1795)
Gerard Shorter v. Mary Boarman. Judgment Record (October 1795)
Henrietta Shorter v. Henry Barnes. Judgment Record (May 1795)
Ignatius Shorter v. John Fenwick. Judgment Record (October 1795)
Jacob v. Stephen Cooke. Affidavit of Thomas Botts
Jacob v. Stephen Cooke. Bond (August 8, 1800)
Jacob v. Stephen Cooke. Complaint
Jacob v. Stephen Cooke. Complaint
Jacob v. Stephen Cooke. Petition for Freedom (April 8, 1800)
Jacob v. Stephen Cooke. Summons of Molly Fitzpatrick & William Hunter (April 7, 1800)
Jacob v. Stephen Cooke. Summons of Stephen Cooke (April 23, 1800)
Jane Williams v. Richard H. Love. Bond (August 22, 1816)
Jane Williams v. Richard H. Love. Complaint
Jane Williams v. Richard H. Love. Order
Jane Williams v. Richard H. Love. Petition for Freedom
Jane Williams v. Richard H. Love. Summons of Richard H. Love (May 22, 1816)
Jenny Shorter v. Eleanor Bradford. Judgment Record (October 1795)
Leonard Shorter v. Richard Edelen. Judgment Record (October 1795)
Lucy Shorter v. Henry Neale. Judgment Record (October 1795)
Mary Shorter v. Ignatius Matthews. Judgment Record (May 1795)
Monica Shorter v. Edward Hazle. Judgment Record (October 1795)
Patty Shorter v. Thomas Stone. Judgment Record (October 1795)
Priscilla Shorter v. John Smith. Judgment Record (October 1795)
Rose v. James Kennedy Jr. Bond (September 7, 1799)
Rose v. James Kennedy Jr. Complaint
Rose v. James Kennedy Jr. Demurrer
Rose v. James Kennedy Jr. Order for New Trial
Rose v. James Kennedy Jr. Summons of James Craik & Robert T. Hooe (April 13, 1802)
Rose v. James Kennedy Jr. Summons of James Craik & Robert T. Hooe (July 11, 1801)
Rose v. James Kennedy Jr. Summons of James Kennedy (August 25, 1799)
Rose v. James Kennedy Jr. Summons of Nancy Bignall (April 27, 1801)
Rose v. James Kennedy Jr. Summons of Sarah Bissington & Mary Taylor (July 15, 1801)
Rose v. James Kennedy Jr. Summons of Sarah Easton (July 21, 1802)
Rose v. James Kennedy Jr. Summons of Theodorick Lee (July 14, 1801)
Sinah v. Edwin Harris. Petition for Freedom