Ex Parte James. Warrant
Whereas James, a Black Boy together with his Mother Hannah were brought into this district from St. Mary's County, in the State of Maryland by Elizabeth Jordan, who Came into Alexandria and did then and there make said Town her Permanent residence, and did not within Sixty Days make an entry of said Slaves According to Law, and that the said Elizabeth hath since intermarried with a Certain Robert Glenn, who hath this Day sold & Delivered said James as a Slave to a Certain Slade who is a Southren Negro Buyer, and that said Glenn or said Slade having refused to give Security for the Permission of said Slaves to Appear at the next Court to Petition for their freedom According to Law.
You are therefore required to receive said James into your Custody, and him keep until he be release According to Law. Given under my Hand and Seal this 20th day of July 1817
A Faw (seal)
Capt. James Campbell