Amie v. Hanson Reno. Deposition of Patrick Curry


Alexandria County Sst.

Personally appeared before me A. Faw one of the Justices of Peace for said County, by a summons issued for that purpose Patrick Curry, who being first duly sworn deposeth and saith, that he was Married About Nine years Ago to the Daughter of Thomas Reed then husband to the now Elizabeth Marle that Negroe Amie was then given him and sent home with his said wife, and that he held her ever since, and Considered her his Property, and that on the Death of his said Father in Law, she was not appraized or Considered as any part of his Estate, and that About Two & one half year ago he this Deponant removed from the Town of Alexandra, to the City of Washington where he also Omitted entering said Negroe Amie, and that About November last William Reed and Samuel Cooper, (as this deponent was informed) came to the City of Washington, and violently took said Negroe Amie out of the possession of Mrs Sweeny, to whom this Deponant had hired her, and Carried her forcibly (away)   Away before this Deponant Could Obtain a Writt of Replevin, which he endeavoured, to do, and this deponant supposed her to have been immediately carried away to Carolina.

And further this Deponant saith not.

Patrick Curry
his + mark

Given under my Hand this 12th Day of March 1802
A. Faw

Patrick Curry for Negroe Amie