Rose v. James Kennedy Jr. Summons of Nancy Bignall

District of Columbia, to wit.
The United States of America,
To the Marshal of the District of Columbia, Greeting:
We command you that you take Summon Mrs Nancy Bignall immediately if be found withing the County of Alexandria in your said District, and to safely keep, so that you have appear bod before the honorable the Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, at the Court House in the County of Alexandria, on the second Monday in next to answer To Testify and the truth to say on behalf of Negro Rose in a certain matter of controversy in our said Court depending and undetermined between Negro Rose and James Kennedy and this you shall in nowise omit under the penalty of £100 And have then there this Writ. Witness William Kilty, Esq. Chief Judge of our said Court, this 27 day of April 1801
G. Deneale CC

Not Executed
L Summers
Negro Rose