Amie v. Hanson Reno. Deposition of Elizabeth Marle

Alexandria County Sst.
Personally appeared before me A Faw one of the Justices of Peace for said County on a summons issued at the request of Negroe Amie, Complaining that she was illegally held in Slavery by Hanson Reno; Elizabeth Marle who being sworn deposeth and saith that About Twelve years Ago she this deponent brought said Negroe Girl Amie to the Town of Alexandria from the Head of Elk in the State of Maryland, and that she had given her son in law Patrick Curry the use of said Girl for Nine years last past, and that on her so bringing said Girl into the State of Virginia she did not enter her by taking the Oath Prescribed by Law, and that she knew nothing of the sale of her to Samuel Cooper by William Reed, nor did she ever make her mark to the signature of her name to a receipt, now produced, or acknowledged to the same.
and further this deponant saith not
Elizabeth Marle
her x mark
Given under my Hand this 12th Day of March 1802
A: Faw

Deposition Eliza. Marle for Negroe Amie