Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton. Deposition of John Wheat

Charles Mahoney
John Ashton
Petition for Freedom in the General Court.
The Deposition of John Wheat aged about Sixty two Years being sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God in the above Suit answered the several Questions as follows...
1st Quest: Being asked, if he knew the parties in the above Suit.
Answers. No he does not.
2d Quest: Being asked. If he knew a Woman by the name of Ann Joyce who formerly belonged to Henry Darnall and who is said to have died at the Wood yard
Answers. He never did, or ever heard of the name until now.
3d Quest: Being asked. If he had heard that Francis Hall of Prince Georges County deceased or his father Benjamin Hall in his life time; at any time; and when, did say; that Joyce before mentioned was free or entitled to be free and for what reason and to relate any conversation that he may have heard from them or either of them or any other person upon the subject.
Answers. No, he never did.
4th Quest: Being asked, If he knew or had heard and from whom that Joyce or Ann Joyce the Woman alluded to in the second question came from England and when and whether she ever resided in England and ho long and if he recollected ever to have heard who were passengers with the said Joyce at the time she came from England...
Answers, No he never heard of Ann Joyce until this time.
5th Quest: Being asked, Do you know and have you hard and from whom that the before mentioned Joyce was ever adjudged in Prince Georges County Court to serve for a term of years for having Bastard Children.
Answers, No, he never did.
6th Quest: Being asked, Do you know or have you heard and fro whom how many children the said Joyce had; what were their Names and in whose possession did they respectively die and when, and did you or do you know any of the Grand Children of said Joyce and to whom did they or do they belong.
Answers, No he never heard of such a Woman or any Children or Grand Children that she ever had

7th Quest: Being asked, Do you know or have you heard of any conversation which has at any time passed respecting Charles's right or the right of his Mother Grand Mother or Great Grand Mother or any of his Ancestors to freedom, when and between whom; what was the conversation relate it fully and freely.
Answers. He never heard a word respecting either or any of them; he remembers to have heard his Father say often times and likewise his Grand Mother Sarah Perdue say that John Wood Thomas Crane and another they called Frank, who at that time live with Captain Williams at the Wood yard, were entitled to their Freedom and was supprised they never applied for their Freedom it; but whether they were decendants from Ann Joyce or not he does not know
8th Quest: Being asked, Do you know and from whom that one of the Children of Ann Joyce by the name of Anne Joyce Cross was bound to John Chaplan in the year 1701 by Prince Georges County Court.
Answers, No he knows nothing of it
9th Quest: Being asked. Do you know and have you heard and from whom what became of Ann Joyce Cross mentioned in the proceeding question and how and for what reason and on what Account she was bound out by Prince Georges County Court
Answers, no he knows nothing about it
10th Quest: Being asked, Have you any further knowledge concerning the right of the Petitioner or any of his Ancesterstors to freedom if you have, relate it fully and freely
Answers. He knows nothing further
Sworn to before me the Subscriber one of the Justices of the peace for Prince Georges County this 23d day of October 1792
Sam Hepburn
6 1/2 sides
John Wheat's Deposition N 1
(Sarah Perdue, Wood Crane & Frank entitled to freedom.)
No 13