Your search for: "Samantha M. Bryant" returned 248 results
Matilda Derrick v. George Mason & Alexander Moore. Alexander Moore to F. Moore (April 29, 1823)
Prince Gray v. Joel T. Gustine. Summons of Joel T. Gustine (August 6, 1820)
Wood Humphreys v. William Berry. Summons of William Berry (November 4, 1823)
Esther Humphreys v. John B. Lambert. Summons of John B. Lambert (March 24, 1823)
Lizette Lee v. Augustus Preuss. Petition for Freedom (September 16, 1826)
Wood Humphreys v. William Berry. Petition for Freedom (November 6, 1822)
Abraham Smith v. John Lyons. Petition for Freedom (April 30, 1828)
Joe Thompson v. Walter Clarke. Inventory of John Thompson (February 21, 1805)
Robert Loyal v. Benjamin Lewis. Summons of Benjamin Lewis (May 3, 1828)
Matilda Derrick v. George Mason & Alexander Moore. Will of Mariamne Craik (April 10, 1815)
Wood Humphreys v. William Berry. Summons of William Berry (August 10, 1824)
Stephen Ambush v. James G. Robinson. Summons of James G. Robinson (June 16, 1858)
James Rhodes v. Moses Bell. Supreme Court Report (January 1844)
Janette Lee v. Augustus Preuss. Summons of Augustus Preuss (March 9, 1827)
Dennis Wright v. Elizabeth Robinson & Richard Taylor. Summons of Elizabeth Robinson (February 9, 1822)
James Hutton v. William J. Belt. Statement of Facts
Eliza v. William Hayman. Summons of William Hayman (January 15, 1825)
William v. Christopher J. Estes. Deposition of Richard Bolton (November 21, 1826)
John Battaile v. Thomas Miller. Defendant's Interrogatories to Charles A. Stokes
Mary Duckett v. John McCutchen & John H.G. McCutchen. Petition for Freedom (April 10, 1848)
Jack Garretson et al. v. Janet Lingan. Deposition of George Raymons (April 28, 1821)
Ann Queen v. Sylvester Boarman and David Queen v. Sylvester Boarman. Agreement of Counsel (March 27, 1801)
Nancy Lee v. Augustus Preuss. Summons of Augustus Preuss (March 8, 1827)
Dennis Wright v. Elizabeth Robinson & Richard Taylor. Agreement (October 11, 1823)
Rebecca Rawlings v. Washington Wallace & Jesse Dallerhite. Summons of Wallace & Dallerhite (August 13, 1828)
William v. Nicholas B. Vanzandt & Christopher J. Estes. Affidavits of Martha Straas & Emily Straas (June 8, 1826)
Joe Thompson v. Walter Clarke. Defendant's Statement of Facts (January 1818)
Dennis Wright v. Elizabeth Robinson & Richard Taylor. Deposition of Elizabeth Alexander (October 14, 1822)
Prince Gray v. Catharine Linn. Summons of Catharine Linn (November 6, 1821)
Christopher Harris v. Penelope B. Alexander. Summons of Penelope B. Alexander (May 29, 1828)
Ann Queen v. Sylvester Boarman. Deposition of Benjamin Duvall (March 26, 1801)
Jack Garretson et al. v. Janet Lingan. Petition for Freedom (August 2, 1817)
James Humphreys v. Henry Roberts. Petition for Freedom (November 9, 1822)
John Baptist Lee v. Augustus Preuss. Summons of Augustus Preuss (March 1, 1827)
Christopher Harris v. Penelope B. Alexander. Petition for Freedom (May 29, 1828)
Joseph Burke v. Rachel Hoskins. Summons of Rachel Hoskins (November 4, 1823)
Henry Ober et al. v. Henry Talbert. Petition for Freedom
William v. George Milburn, John Coburn, & John L. Alford. Summons of George Milburn, John Coburn, & John L. Alford (May 26, 1826)
Susan Smith v. Thomas Johns. Summons of Thomas Johns (May 14, 1823)
Richard Johnson v. Janet Lingan. Summons of Janet Lingan (November 11, 1823)
Lees v. Augustus Preuss. Bill of Sale (June 24, 1797)
William v. Nicholas B. Vanzandt & Christopher J. Estes. Appointment as Administrator (June 8, 1826)
James Hutton v. William J. Belt. Summons of William Belt (February 12, 1824)
Sally Baker v. Charles Hay. Order (June 7, 1826)
William Ethington v. William Crawford. Petition for Freedom (May 20, 1816)
William Jordan v. Lemuel Sawyer. Notes
Basil Wells v. Ignatius Young. Summons of Ignatius Young (May 1, 1823)
Matilda Derrick v. George Mason & Alexander Moore. Bond (December 3, 1823)
John Battaile v. Thomas Miller. Petition for Freedom (June 30, 1826)
Susan Smith v. Thomas Johns. Summons of Thomas Johns (December 6, 1822)