Jack Garretson et al. v. Janet Lingan. Deposition of George Raymons
On this 20th day of April AD 1821. Personally appears George Raymons[?] of Montgomery County Maryland, & maketh oath that he knew Thomas Macubbin in his lifetime. That he knew the said Thomas Macubbin before his removal from Maryland to Virga. That he removed to Virga sometime about the close of the Amn Revolution, a little before or a little after. That Deponent lived in Cumberland, Md from 1790 to 1792. That while there he was often at a Macubbin's who lived in Virga just opposite the town. he often saw Negro Jack, who now calls himself Jack Garretson at Macubbin's in Virga. he understood he was a boy of [illegible]. That Macubbin returned to Maryland 2 or 3, or 3 or 4 years after Deponent left Cumberland. he has seen
Jack at Macubbin's after his ([illegible]) return to Maryland.
Sworn before
Sworn before me
Ths. C. Wilson
knew [illegible] removed after [illegible] 8 or 9 yrs. away.
Jack Garretson
Janet Lingan
Apl. 1821.
filed 28th Apl 1821.