William v. Christopher J. Estes. Deposition of Richard Bolton


Negro William
Christopher J Estes

Petition for Freedom

The Deposition of Richard Bolton of lawful age taken at the House of William H Digges in the County of Nelson and State of Virginia to be read in the above named suit now depending and at issue in the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Washington.

Interrogatories on the part of the Defendant to the said deponent—

Intery 1st Do you know the petitioner and Defendant in the above cause

Answer. I, do, also the father & mother of the Petitioner

Intery 2nd Do you know if any one, and who has the right of property in the said negro— Is he a slave, and if so to whom does he belong?

Answer. I know, that William W Southall bought the Petitioner from Doct Saml J Cabell [illegible] of Col Saml J Cabell decd that Christopher J Estes is administrator of said William W Southall. and I do not know of any other owner or who also (if any) has the right of property in said Petitioner.

Intery 3d Do you know by what tenure Mrs Stras held the said Petitioner, and whether she or any one but Mr Estes had any authority or right to sell or dispose of him?

Answer. I do not know by what authority or tenure Mrs Stras held said petitioner, and I do not know whether any other person than Estes had any authority to sell or dispose of him.

Intery 4th Do you know that the mother of William the Petitioner is a slave, and do you know any other   matter or thing which may be of any service, benefit or advantage to the Defendant in this suit. If so declare the same as particularly, as if thereto specially interrogated?

Answer. I know the reputed mother of William the petitioner to be a slave. she was held in slavery by Col Saml J Cabell of the County of Nelson, I never heard she was free, or claimed freedom. William the petitioner was also held by said Col Saml J Cabell as a slave, during his life, and I never heard, that he even had any pretentions to freedom, whilst he was in this County, nor until since the bringing of this suit and then in no other way that his having brought suit to recover his freedom

Richard Bolton

I the Subscriber a Justice of the Peace, and one of the Judges of the County Court of the County of Nelson, in the Commonwealth of Virginia hereby certify, that I am not of Counsel or the Attorney of either of the parties in or intended in the event of the cause aforesaid, and that the aforesaid deponent Richard Bolton, lives at a greater distance from the place of trial of the suit, than one hundred miles. And that the said Deponent caused to be reduced, the testimony by him given to writing and subscribed the same having been duly sworn according to law & cautioned to speak the whole. And that no notice of the taking of the said testimony was given to the opposite party or to any attorney or agent of his because the said party was not of himself nor had he any known agent or attorney at the time, within one hundred miles of the place of such Caption as I am informed by the Defendant; and having no knowledge of said agent or attorney myself. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 21st day of November in the year of our Lord 1826

Wm H Digges (seal)


Virginia, Nelson County to wit

I, Spotswood Garland, clerk of the county aforesaid, do hereby certify, that William H. Digges esquire whose hand and seal is affixed to the foregoing certifies [obstructed by seal] Majistrate of the County of Nelson, and that due faith and credit [obstructed by seal] be paid to all his acts and deeds as such.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and cause the seal of my office to be hereunto affixed, this 25th day of November 1826, and of the Independence of the United States the fifty first year.

Spotswood Garland

William a negro
C J Estes


State of Virginia, Nelson County, to wit:

I, Joseph Shelton, presiding Justice of the Court of Nelson County, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify, that the attestation hereto annexed, made by Spotswood Garland, clerk of the said Court, is in due form, and by the proper officer appointed by the laws of the said State for the purpose, and that full faith and credit is due thereto in every court or office in the United States. Given under my hand, at the county of Nelson, in the State of Virginia aforesaid, this 25th day of November in the year 1826 and of the independence of the United States the fifty first.

Jos. Shelton

State of Virginia, Nelson County, to wit:

I, Spotswood Garland, clerk of the county court of Nelson, in the state aforesaid, do hereby certify, that Joseph Shelton, whose certificate is hereto annexed,