Jack Garretson et al. v. Janet Lingan. Petition for Freedom

To the Honble the Judges of the Circuit Court of the district of Columbia for the County of Washington.
This the petition of Jack Garretson, Richard Luckett and Richard Johnson & Rachael Garretson humbly sheweth unto your honors that your petitioners are now and have been for a considerable time past held in slavery contrary to Law and justice by a certain Mrs Janet Lingan all of which facts they are ready to substantiate wherever a fair and candid hearing may be had. And your Petitioners pray that writ order to be issued from the Clerks office a subpoena returnable to the next december Term and that all further orders necessary in their case may be given in order to secure to them an impartial trial
Geo. Travers for the petitioners

Petition of Jack Garretson, Richard Luckett, Richard Johnson, & Rachael Garretson for freedom
Mr Brent will please file this and issue accordingly
Geo. Travers
filed 2d. Augt 1817