Your search for: "Samantha M. Bryant (document)" returned 248 results
Fanny Tarlton v. Cartwright Tippett. Summons of Cartwright Tippett (August 4, 1823)
Frank Jennifer & Maria Jennifer v. Thomas Ewell & Hutchinson. Petition for Freedom (July 4, 1825)
Frank Jennifer & Maria Jennifer v. Thomas Ewell & Hutchinson. Summons of Thomas Ewell & Hutchinson (July 4, 1825)
George Hunter v. William M. Offutt & Zadock Offutt. Bond (June 12, 1824)
George Hunter v. William M. Offutt & Zadock Offutt. Petition for Freedom (June 10, 1824)
George Hunter v. William M. Offutt & Zadock Offutt. Summons of William M. & Zadock Offutt (June 24, 1824)
George Hunter v. William M. Offutt & Zadock Offutt. Summons of William M. & Zadock Offutt (July 15, 1825)
George Hunter v. William M. Offutt & Zadock Offutt. Summons of William M. & Zadock Offutt (February 22, 1826)
George Hunter v. William M. Offutt & Zadock Offutt. Summons of William M. & Zadock Offutt (March 8, 1825)
George Mason & Alexander Moore v. Matilda Derrick. Mandate (May 15, 1827)
Gill Litchworth v. Zadok Wilson. Petition for Freedom (December 3, 1824)
Gill Litchworth v. Zadok Wilson. Summons of Zadok Wilson (December 3, 1824)
Harry Wigle et al. v. George Kirby. Certificate of Identification (May 17, 1831)
Harry Wigle et al. v. George Kirby. Deposition of Joseph Nally (June 15, 1829)
Harry Wigle et al. v. George Kirby. Petition for Freedom (January 15, 1829)
Harry Wigle et al. v. George Kirby. Summons of George Kirby (January 15, 1829)
Henry Ober et al. v. Henry Talbert. Motion for Subpoena (June 11, 1828)
Henry Ober et al. v. Henry Talbert. Petition for Freedom
Henry Ober et al. v. Henry Talbert. Summons of Henry Talbert (June 3, 1828)
Jack Garretson et al. v. Janet Lingan. Deposition of George Raymons (April 28, 1821)
Jack Garretson et al. v. Janet Lingan. Petition for Freedom (August 2, 1817)
Jack Garretson et al. v. Janet Lingan. Summons of Janet Lingan (August 2, 1817)
James Butler v. Electius Spalding. Petition for Freedom (May 31, 1815)
James Butler v. Electius Spalding. Summons of Electius Spalding (May 31, 1815)
James Humphreys v. Henry Roberts. Petition for Freedom (November 9, 1822)
James Humphreys v. Henry Roberts. Summons of Henry Roberts (August 10, 1824)
James Humphreys v. Henry Roberts. Summons of Henry Roberts (May 14, 1823)
James Humphreys v. Henry Roberts. Summons of Henry Roberts (November 10, 1823)
James Hutton v. William J. Belt. Certificate of T. H. Gilliss (June 6, 1825)
James Hutton v. William J. Belt. Charles W. Goldsborough to Richard S. Coxe (June 6, 1825)
James Hutton v. William J. Belt. Petition for Freedom (February 12, 1825)
James Hutton v. William J. Belt. Statement of Facts
James Hutton v. William J. Belt. Statement of Facts, Amendment
James Hutton v. William J. Belt. Summons of William Belt (February 12, 1824)
James Hutton v. William J. Belt. William Bainbridge to Richard S. Coxe (June 6, 1825)
James Rhodes v. Moses Bell. Supreme Court Report (January 1844)
James Smith v. William C. Newton. Petition for Freedom (June 11, 1825)
James Smith v. William C. Newton. Summons of William C. Newton (June 11, 1825)
James Thompson v. Electius Spalding. Petition for Freedom (May 31, 1815)
James Thompson v. Electius Spalding. Summons of Electius Spalding (May 31, 1815)
Jane Sims v. Benjamin King. Summons of Benjamin King (May 14, 1823)
Janette Lee v. Augustus Preuss. Summons of Augustus Preuss (March 9, 1827)
Janette Lee v. Augustus Preuss. Warrant for Janette Lee (December 11, 1828)
Janette Lee v. Augustus Preuss. Writ of Habeas Corpus (January 31, 1829)
Jenny Thompson v. Joseph Clarke. Petition for Freedom (May 31, 1815)
Jenny Thompson v. Joseph Clarke. Summons of Joseph Clarke (May 31, 1815)
Joe Thompson v. Walter Clarke. Accounts of John Thompson and Elizabeth Thompson (June 9, 1806)
Joe Thompson v. Walter Clarke. Certificate of Ownership
Joe Thompson v. Walter Clarke. Defendant's Statement of Facts (January 1818)
Joe Thompson v. Walter Clarke. Inventory of Elizabeth Thompson (August 10, 1808)