James Hutton v. William J. Belt. Certificate of T. H. Gilliss

I certify that James Hutton, was borne on the Books of U.S. ship Columbus as a "Supernumerary for provisions," as appears by the Muster Roll of said ship on file in this office, from the 14th April 1820 to the 27th July in the same year.
T.H. Gilliss Chf Clk
Fourth Auditor's Office
6th June 1825.
I likewise certify that it is the practice in the office of the Fourth Auditor to require the receipt for pay to be signed by the person whose name stands on the Pay Roll, were in cases where it is known to the Office that said person is not entitled in his own right to the money so paid.
T.H. Gilliss Chf Clk
6th June 1825.