Joe Thompson v. Walter Clarke. Inventory of Elizabeth Thompson


Inventory of the personal Estate of Elizabeth Thompson late of Saint Marys County deceased, appraised in dollars & cents, by us the subscribers (being thereto lawfully authorized and sworn) this Tenth day of August anno. 1808.

Articles Doll. Cents
Blacksmith Joe aged about 23 years 300 00 - W
Joe (Sexton[?]) do do 31 do 175 00 - J
Jim (son of Sarah) do do 8 do 120 00 - J
Jim (son of Rachel) do do 7 do 100 00 - W[?]
Nell do do 25 do 200 00 - W
Mary (daughter of Nell) do do 2 do 35 00 - W
Jane do do 37 do 150 00 - J
Henny do do 53 do 15 00 - W
$1095 00
1 Carriage & harness 200 00 +
1 sorell horse about 15 years of age 20 00 +
1 bay horse do do do 20 00 +
1335 00
1 Bed No 7 weighing 60 lbs 18 00 - W
1 sacking bottom bed stead 3 00 - W
1 large trunk 1 50
1 large chest 1 75 +
14 oz & 10 [illegible] plate costs @ 111 p oz 15 95 - J
1 womans saddle 2 50 +
1 mans saddle 1 50 +
1 small looking glass 50 + J
2 pr.[?] sheets 5 00 +
1 pr.[?] pillow cases 40 +
2 Blankets 2 00 +
1 Quilt (old) 50 W
1 counter pane 2 00 J
1 small trunk 25 +
1 Cupboard 25 +
1 spider 50 J
1 Jin Case 75 J
1 silver watch 8 00 W
wearing apparel 20 00 +
Total 1419 35