James Hutton v. William J. Belt. Petition for Freedom

To the Honble the Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Washington
The Petition of James Hutton humbly sheweth that he is entitled to his freedom & is unjustly held in bondage by William Belt who holds & claims your Petitioner, & (as he is informed & believes) means to sell him as a Slave.
Wherefore he prays your Honors that a subpa may be issued to the said William Belt directed, that he may appear & answer hereto, & that your Petitioner may be discharged from his service & obtain such relief in the premisses as to your Honors shall seem right.
Key & Dunlop for Petr

James Hutton
Wm Belt
Mr Brent
File this & give the bearer a certificate in the usual form.
K. & D.
Filed 12 Feby 1825