Joe Thompson v. Walter Clarke. Accounts of John Thompson and Elizabeth Thompson
The First account of James Thompson and Elizabeth Thompson Executors of John Thompson late of Saint Marys County deceased. These accountants charge themselves with the whole amount of the deceaseds Inventory by them exhibited into the Registry of Orphans Court of Curr money Saint Mary's County amounting to 5859 Doll & 21 cents
£ 2197. 4. 1 | |
These accountants also charge themselves with Cash in the house at the deceaseds death | 5. 1. 3 |
also with received of the following persons to wit | |
George Barnhouse | 0. 16. 3½ |
Joseph Booth | 0. 8. 2 |
Ann Combs | 2. 3. 6 |
Rob. Ford | 1. 9. 0 |
Will. Fenwick | 3. 0. 8 |
Enoch Fenwick | 1. 3. 5 |
Joseph Greenwell of Philip | 2. 19. 0¾ |
Mildred Greenwell | 2. 15. 9 |
Joseph Greenwell of George | 1. 0. 1 |
John B. Goldsberry | 0. 13. 6 |
Monica Greenwell | 13. 11. 4 |
Winifred Greenwell | 0. 16. 2 |
Joseph Greenwell (of Thos.) | 0. 9. 4 |
Mary Gough admix. John Gough | 11. 9. 6 |
Joseph Gough | 4. 14. 6¾ |
Joseph Heard | 1. 2 .6 |
Elizabeth Medley | 4. 10. 0 |
Thomas Norman Martin | 0. 4. 8 |
James Norris (of Thos.) | 1. 5. 3 |
Raphael Neale | 5. 7. 7¾ |
Cornetius Manning | 1. 12. 5 |
Mary Norris | 1. 5. 6 |
Lucy Norris | 0. 17. 8 |
John Norris (of Philip) | 0. 7. 5 |
Mathew Norris (of Mark) | 0. 5. 7½ |
Philip Norriss | 0. 17.6 |
Margaret Norriss | 0. 7. 10½ |
Bennet Norriss | 1. 1. 9 |
John Norriss (of Igns) | 0. 7. 6 |
Rapl[?]. Peake | 1. 9. 4½ |
John Redman | 0. 7. 5¼ |
Jonathan Ridgel | 0. 2. 9 |
Richard Shirley | 0. 3. 6 |
Elijah Farlton | 3. 1. 11½ |
James Wise | 0. 16. 6¼ |
Joseph Wheatley | 1. 6. 5½ |
John Wootton | 0. 17. 6 |
James Williams | 5. 19. 0 |
Mrs Thompson for work done | 1. 2. 6 |
Will. Milburn | 4. 9. 9 |
Mary Combs | 4. 12. 6 |
Ignatius Shirley | 2. 5. 9 |
Will: Combs Senr. | 8. 4. 1½ |
£ 2,305. 6. 1¼ |
And these accountant pray to be allowed for the following payments & Disbursements to wit
Of paid John Norris (of Igns. his acct duly proved as [illegible] same and recet thereon appears | 1. 10. 0 |
Of paid Doct Will: Thomas his acct. duly proved as [illegible] same and recet thereon appears | 10. 0. 2½ |
Of paid William Hammett his accot. duly proved as [illegible] same and recet thereon appears | 11. 13. 7 |
Of paid Hebb & Dixon ther accot. as [illegible] same and recet thereon appears | 6. 12. 6 |
Of paid Bernard Medley his accot. for making Coffin Case &c as [illegible] same & recet thereon appears | 7. 10. 0 |
Of Register of Wills fees paid Jeremiah Jordan | 5. 10. 0 |
Of Same to be paid James Forrest for oath & recording of List of debts Seperate and desperate | 0. 9. 0 |
Of Same to be paid Same for oath & Stating, passing and recording this account of Cr | 1. 5. 6 |
44. 11. 2½ | |
Balance due and accountable | 2260. 14. 10¾ |
£ 2305. 6. 1¼ |
Saint Mary's County, to wit, the 9th of June 1806 Then came James Thompson and Elizabeth Thompson Executors of John Thompson late of Saint Marys County deceased and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that the aforegoing account as Stated is just and true, and that they have bonafide paid or secured to be paid the particular sums for which they claim an allowance; which thereupon after due examination is passed by James Forrest Regr Willis for Saint Mary's County.
True Copy from the Original.
Jas. Forrest Reg. Wills
1st acct. of Jas Thompson & Eliz Thompson
Exr. John Thompson
The Second account of James Thompson and Elizabeth Thompson Executors of John Thompson late of Saint Marys County deceased. These accountants charge themselves with the balance due at their last settlement the 9th day of June 1806 amounting to
£ 2260. 14. 10 currt money |
They also charge themselves with cash received of the following persons, to wit | |
Arthur Dillihay | 0. 12. 9 |
William Heard (of Mark) | 3. 5. 2¾ |
William Goldsberry Senr | 10. 7 .10½ |
Athanasuis Norris | 15. 3. 4½ |
Thomas Wooton | 0. 7. 6 |
£ 2290. 10. 9½ | |
And these accountants pray to be allowed for the following payments & Disbursements, to wit | |
Of paid Elijah Jackson his accot duly proved as &c[?] same and rect thereon appears | 6. 10. 0 |
Of paid William Goldsberry and Ignatius Norris (of Igns, their accots duly proved as &c[?] same & recet thereon appears | 5. 15. 10½ |
Of paid the Revd. Chas. Smoot for preaching the deceaseds funeral sermon | 3. 0. 0 |
Of Register of Wills fees to be paid for tallying[?] passing & recording this account | 0. 8. 5 |
15. 14. 32 | |
Balance due and accountable | 2274. 16. 6 |
£ 2290. 10. 9½ |
Saint Mary's County, to wit: the 29th day of July 1807. Then came James Thompson and Elizabeth Thompson Executors of John Thompson late of Saint Mary's County, deceased, and made oath on the holy Evangels of Almighty God, that the aforegoing account as stated is
just and true and that they have bonafide paid or secured to be paid the particular sums for which they claim on allowance; which there upon after due examination is passed.
By James Forrest Reg Wills
for Saint Mary's County.
True Copy
Jas Forrest Reg Wills
The 2d acct.
John Thompson
The third account of James Thompson surviving Executor of John Thompson late of Saint Mary's County deceased. This accountant chargeth himself with balance due at the last settlement, the 27th day of July 1807 amounting to
£ 2274.16. 6 current money | |
also with Tobo. sold in Baltimore for | 41. 17. 7 |
£ 2316. 14. 1 |
And this accountant prays to be allowed for the following payments and Disbursement to wit
Of paid John Johnston his acct as [illegible] same apprs | 5. 5. 0 |
Of paid John Van Riswick his acct duly proved as [illegible] same & recet thereon appears | 1. 10. 7½ |
Of paid Doctor Barton Tabbs his acct duly proved as [illegible] same & recet thereon appears | 5. 16. 7 |
Of paid for the opinion of counsil respecting the will of said deceased, together with expences in obtaining the same. (allowed by Court) | 17. 15. 3 |
30. 7. 5½ | |
Balance due and accountable | 2286. 6. 7½ |
£ 2316. 14. 1 |
Saint Mary's County, towit the 15. day of April 1809 Then came James Thompson surviving Executor of John Thompson late of Saint Mary's County, deceased, and made oath on the Holy Evangels of almighty God, that the aforegoing account as stated is just and true and that he hath bonafide paid or secured to be paid the particular sums for which he claims an allowance; which thereupon after due examinations is passed
By James Forrest Reg Wills for St Mary's County.
True Copy
Jas Forrest R Wills
The 3d acct.
John Thompson
The fourth account of James Thompson surviving Executor of John Thompson late of Saint Mary's County deceased. This accountant chargeth himself with the balance due at this last settlement the made with the Register of Wills on the 15th day of April 1809 amounting to
£ 2286. 6. 7½ | |
This accountant also chargeth himself with cash received of the following persons, who owed the deceased - returned in the list of debts, desperate, towit. | |
Abraham Adams | 1. 7. 0 |
Bennet Armsworthy | 0. 2. 6 |
John Curry | 0. 8. 0 |
Bennet Greenwell (of Clem) | 1. 14. 6 |
Ignatius Goldsberry | 0. 3. 0 |
Barney Greenwell | 0. 7. 7 |
Joseph Heard | 0. 14. 52 |
John Johnston | 1. 19. 9 |
Mary M. Kay | 1. 0. 3 |
William Goldsberry | 10. 7. 11¼ |
Samuel P. Lorve | 0. 14. 8 |
Susanna Medley | 2. 18. 8½ |
Thomas Martin | 0. 18. 0 |
John Norriss of Mark | 3. 4. 7 |
Joseph Norriss of Bennet | 0. 15. 6 |
James Norriss | 0. 1. 4 |
Thomas Thompson | 2. 7. 11 |
Issabella Thomas | 1. 17. 11 |
Thomas Wooton | 0. 8. 11½ |
John Wheatley | 1. 15. 8½ |
Elizabeth Wheatley | 0. 10. 6 |
£ 2320. 4. 11 |
And this accountant prays to be allowed for the following payments and Disbursements towit
Of paid William H. Brown the amr[?] of a Judgment obtained by John Thompson Jr | 40. 10. 0 |
paid William Hebb admr Wm. Somervill the difference due on the exchange of lands &c | 17. 18. 0½ |
allowed this accountant his accountant his acd. for expenses on the survey of the lands exchanged | 15. 16. 3 |
Attorney's fees paid Rap. Neale | 1. 5. 0 |
Same paid same | 1. 17. 6 |
same paid Clem Dorsey | 1. 17. 6 |
allowed this accountant for the cost of a suit brot. agt. Igns. Mattingly who became insolvent | 3. 0. 7½ |
Mary Griffin her acct | 1. 10. 0 |
William Goldsberry his acct | 7. 10. 0 |
Lewis Ford admr Jo. Ford, deced | 2. 8. 6 |
On the deceaseds Inventory £ 2197.4.1 is 164.15.9¼ | |
On Cash on hand 5.1.3 is 0.7.7 | |
On Tobo. on hand 41.17.7 is 3.2.9½ | |
On debts collected 466.16.0½ is 12.10.2½ | 180. 16. 4 |
Register's fees to be paid James Forrest | 1. 3. 10 |
Same to be paid for stating, passing, recording & copying this acct | 1. 1 .9 |
276[?]. 15. 4 | |
Balance due and accountable | 2043. 9. 7¾ |
£ 2320. 4. 11¾ |
Saint Mary's County, towit: the 22d. day of Decer 1809. Then came James Thompson surviving Executor of John Thompson late of St. Mary's County deceased and made Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that the aforegoing account as stated is just and true and that he hath bonafid paid or secured to be paid the particular sums for which he claims an allowance; which thereupon after due examination is passed.
By Jas. Forrest Reg. Wills for St. Mary's County.
True Copy
Jas. Forrest Reg Wills
The fifth account of James Thompson surviving Executor of John Thompson late of Saint Mary's County, deceased—
This accountant chargeth himself with the balance due at his last settlement the 22d day of December 1809 amounting to | £ 2043. 9. 7¾ |
He also chargeth himself with an error in the addition of money reced & charged in second account | 0. 0. 10 |
£ 2043. 10. 3¾ |
And this accountant prays to be allowed for the following payments & Disbursements, towit
Enoch Joseph Millard his acct | 2. 5. 0 |
Registers fees to be paid James Forrest for stating, passing and recording this acct making [illegible] balance and Dist: Copy same & recording same | 0. 15. 9 |
3. 0. 9 | |
Balance due and accountable | 2040. 9. 8¾ |
£ 2043. 10. 5¾ |
Saint Mary's County, towit: the 10th day of February 1810. Then came James Thompson surviving Executor of John Thompson late of Saint Mary's County deceased, and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that the aforegoing account as stated is just and true and that he hath bonafide paid or secured to be paid the particular sums for which he claims an allowance; which thereupon after due examination is passed by James Forrest Reg. of Wills for St. Mary's County
True Copy
Ja. Forrest R Wills
4 & 5th acct
John Thompson
Saint Mary's County, towit, the 10 day of February 1810. The account of John Thompson late of Saint Mary's County deceased, by James Thompson surviving Executor.
Estate accounted for | current money £ 2410. 18. 9¼ |
Payments and Disbursements allowed | 370. 9. 0½ |
Balance due and Distributable | 2040. 9. 8¾ |
Distribution as follows, towit, | £ 2410. 18. 9¼ |
To the deceased's widow one third | 680. 3. 2¾ |
To Ignatuis Thompson | 37. 10. 0 |
To Samuel Thompson | 37. 10. 0 |
To Ann Thompson | 37. 10. 0 |
Elizabeth Thompason | 37. 10. 0 |
Henrietta Thompson | 37. 10. 0 |
Elijah Thompson | 37. 10. 0 |
Mary Cullison | 37. 10. 0 |
Elizabeth Abell | 200. 0. 0 |
The residue (except negroes entitled to freedom) to James Thompson |
822. 16. 6 |
£ 2040. 9. 8¾ |
Test. James Forrest Reg. Wills for St. Mary's County
Balance & Distribution
the Estate
John Thompson
Jas Thompson to Elizh Thompson D1[?]
To 2/3d of the balance at last settlement of Jno Thompson estate | £ 758. 5. 6 | |
To 1/3 of Tobo sold to the amt of 111 67/100 $ or £ 41. 17. 6 | 13. 19. 2 | |
772. 4. 8 |
By Sundry acct Discharged, but not allowed for in the settlement of the administration, towit
Jno Johnstone | 5. 5. 0 | |
Jno Van Riswick | 1. 10. 7½ | |
Doct. Tubbs | 5. 16. 7 | |
To Counsel | 17. 15. 3 | |
To Jo Ford for Crape (no reced) | 2. 8. 6 | |
To Wm Goldsberry (no reced) | 7. 10. 0 | |
3/ 40. 5. 11½ | is 13. 8. 7¾ | |
By 2/3 of what ever fees may hereafter accrue [illegible] may probably amount to $6 | 0[?]. 15. 0 | |
14. 2. 7¾ | ||
By cast & property Mrs. T. the 15 June 1805 | $1499.23 | |
By cash pd same the 24 June 1806 | 110.58 | |
By cash pd same the 11 Aug. 1807. | 114.93 | |
1724.74 | is £ 646. 15. 6½ | |
Due Mrs. Thompson | 660. 18. 2¼ | |
£ 111. 6. 5¾ |
Young Jno Thompsons Judgmt. is not included. Neither is there any allowances in the statements to the Executors for Commsion, however, the allowance of a commission that would make in Mrs. Thompsons favour, because she would claim one half of whatever sum was allowed as a commission, and as it is, she only claims 2/3 of the balance.
2 yrs int paid. the last ending 28 Feb. 1808> Tho' thats nothing to do with the settlement of the personal estate
Mr. Clarke
A list of desperate debts due to John Thompson deceased, returned by Jas. Thompson & Elizh. Thompson Executor, vizt
Abraham Adams | £ 1. 7. 0 | ||
Bennet Armsworthy | 0. 2. 6 | Vincent Norris | 1. 3. 3 |
Mary Combs | 4. 12. 6 | Bent Norris of Tho. | 0. 14. 7 |
William Combs Senr | 8. 4. 1½ | Matt Norris of Wm | 0. 7. 6 |
John Curry | 0. 8. 0 | John Norris of MK | 3. 4. 7 |
Bernard Downs | 0. 7. 7¼ | Joseph Norris of [illegible] | 0. 15. 6 |
Jeremiah Downs | 4. 15. 3½ | Athanasius[?] Norris | 15. 3. 4½ |
Arthur Dillehay | 0. 12. 9 | James Norris | 0. 1. 4 |
Jeremiah Fowler | 0. 14. 8 | Joseph Peake | 0. 5. 7 |
Clemt. Greenwill Senr | 0. 14. 1½ | Charles Ridgel | 0. 8. 1½ |
Nicholas Goldsberry | 1. 2. 11 | Thomps Thompson | 2. 7. 11 |
Bennet Greenwell of Clem. | 1. 14. 6 | Isabella Thomas | 1. 17. 11 |
Joseph Greenwell of Jas. | 0. 14. 1 | Thomas Wooton | 0. 8. 11½ |
Igns Goldsberry | 0. 3. 0 | John Wheatley | 1. 15. 8½ |
Bernard Greenwill | 0. 7. 7 | Elizabeth Wheatley | 0. 10. 6 |
William Heard | 4. 0. 2¾ | Igns Shirley | 2. 4. 0 |
Joseph Heard | 0. 14. 5½ | Matthew Booth | 0. 3. 6 |
Ignatius Jenkins | 2. 9. 10 | Barton Diar | 1. 17. 0 |
John Johnston | 1. 9. 9 | Bernard Downs | 5. 5. 0 |
Mary M. Kay | 1. 0. 3 | William Goldsberry | 18. 12. 10½ |
Chloe Lurty | 0. 14. 0 | Ignatius Mattingly Jr | 15. 0. 0 |
Saml P. Lowe | 0. 14. 3 | Ethelbert Cecil | 3. 15. 0 |
Susanna Medley | 2. 18. 8½ | Total amt | £ 117. 12. 4½ |
Thomas Martin | 0. 18. 0 |
Saint Mary's County, to wit: the 9th day of June 1806. Then came James Thompson and Elizabeth Thompson Executors of John Thompson late of Saint Mary's County deceased, and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that the aforegoing is a just and true list of debt, desperate [illegible] the deceased.
Certified by James Forrest Reg. Wills for St. Mary's County
A list of sperate debts returned by James Thompson & Elizabeth Thompson Executors of John Thompson, deceased
List of debtsGeorge Barnhouse | £ 0. 16. 3½ | John Norris of Philip | £ 1. 7. 5 |
Joseph Booth | 0. 8. 2 | Matt. Norris of M[?]K | 0. 3. 7½ |
Ann Combs | 2. 3. 6 | Philip Norris | 0. 17. 6 |
Robert Ford | 1. 9. 0 | Margt Norris | 0. 7. 10½ |
William Fenwick | 3. 0. 8 | Bennet Norris | 1. 1. 9 |
Enoch Fenwick | 1. 3. 5 | John Norris of Ign. | 0. 7. 0 |
Joseph Greenwill of [illegible] | 2. 19. 0¾ | Rap. Pinke | 1. 9. 4½ |
Mildred Greewell | 2. 15. 9 | John Redman | 0. 7. 5¼ |
Joseph Greenwell of Geo. | 1. 0. 1 | John Ridgel | 0. 2. 9 |
Joseph B. Goldsberry | 0. 13. 6 | Richard Shirley | 0. 3. 6 |
Monica Greenwell | 13. 11. 4 | Elijah Tarlton | 3. 1. 1½ |
Winifred Greenwell | 0. 16. 2 | James Wise | 0. 16. 6¼ |
Joseph Greenwell of Thos | 0. 9. 4 | Joseph Wheatley | 1. 6. 5½ |
Mary Gough admx Jno. | 11. 9. 6 | John Wooten | 0. 17. 6 |
Joseph Grugh | 4. 14. 6¾ | James Williams | 5. 19. 0 |
Joseph Heard | 1. 2. 6 | Mrs Thompson | 1. 2. 6 |
Elizabeth Medley | 4. 10. 0 | Willm Milburn | 4. 9. 9 |
Thomas N. Martin | 0. 4. 8 | £ 87. 18. 4½ | |
James Norris of Tho. | 1. 5. 3 | ||
Raphl Neale | 5. 7. 7¾ | ||
Cornelius Manning | 1. 12. 5 | ||
Marge Norris | 1. 5. 6 | ||
Lucy Norris | 0. 17. 8 |
Saint Mary's County, towit: the 9th day of June 1806. Then came James Thompson & Elizabeth Thompson Executors of John Thompson late of Saint Mary's county deceased, and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that the aforegoing is a true and prefect list of debts sperate[?] due to the deceased, that have come to their hands or possession.
Certified by James Forrest Reg. of Wills
In testimony that the two aforegoing lists of debts &c are truly taken from [illegible] I have hereto set my hand this 15 June anno 1816. Jas. Forrest Reg Wills