Your search for: "Maryland" returned 136 results
Amelia Ward v. Elias B. Caldwell. Circuit Court Report (October 1823)
Amelia Ward v. Elias B. Caldwell. Statement of Facts (December 16, 1823)
American Anti-Slavery Society - Slave Market of America (1836)
Amie v. Hanson Reno. Affidavit of Robert W. Peacock (April 13, 1802)
Ann Bell v. Gerard T. Greenfield. Circuit Court Report (March 1840)
Ann Davis v. Charles Minifee and Letitia Davis v. Rebecca Forrest. Petitioners' Bill of Exceptions (June 28, 1811)
Ann Williams v. George Miller & George Miller Jr. Jury Instructions
Austin L. Adams & Ann C. Harding v. Julia Roberts. Petition for Writ of Error (September 22, 1842)
Ben v. Sabret Scott. Affidavit of Sabret Scott (June 16, 1810)
Ben v. Sabret Scott. Certificate of Sabret Scott (June 6, 1807)
Ben v. Sabret Scott. Certificate of Sabret Scott (June 12, 1807)
Ben v. Sabret Scott. Defendant's Bill of Exceptions (February 1, 1811)
Ben v. Sabret Scott. Defendant's Bill of Exceptions (February 2, 1811)
Ben v. Sabret Scott. Defendant's Bill of Exceptions
Ben v. Sabret Scott. Defendant's Bill of Exceptions (February 2, 1811)
Ben v. Sabret Scott. Deposition of Richard Ratcliffe (June 12, 1811)
Ben v. Sabret Scott. Partial Bill of Exceptions
Ben v. Sabret Scott. Partial Bill of Exceptions
Ben v. Sabret Scott. Partial Bill of Exceptions
Ben v. Sabret Scott. Petition for Freedom (September 17, 1806)
Ben v. Sabret Scott. Petitioner's Bill of Exceptions (February 1, 1811)
Ben v. Sabret Scott. Petitioner's Bill of Exceptions (February 1, 1811)
Ben v. Sabrett Scott. Transcript from Circuit Court
Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton. Account of Servants Imported into Maryland (June 3, 1799)
Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton. Opinion (June 25, 1802)
Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton. Opinion of the Court of Appeals (June 1802)
Charles Scott v. Loudon. Supreme Court Report (February 1806)
Charlotte v. Henry Clay. Answer of Henry Clay (From the Papers of Henry Clay) (February 18, 1829)
Charlotte v. Henry Clay. James Condon to Henry Clay (From the Papers of Henry Clay) (March 1, 1829)
China v. Benjamin D. Patterson. Affidavit of John Smith (December 27, 1809)
China v. Benjamin D. Patterson. Affidavit of John Smith & Leonard Cook (December 22, 1809)
China v. Benjamin D. Patterson. Petition for Freedom
China v. Benjamin D. Patterson. Statement of Facts (December 27, 1809)
China v. Benjamin D. Patterson. Summons of William Patterson (May 4, 1811)
China v. Benjamin D. Patterson. Summons of William Patterson (November 30, 1810)
Chloe Ann Marter v. Elizabeth Neale. Demurrer
Christiana Dunbar v. Richard B. Alexander. Jury Instructions (April 14, 1845)
Christiana Dunbar v. Richard B. Alexander. Milly Dunbar's Certificate of Freedom (July 28, 1824)
Christiana Dunbar v. Richard B. Alexander. Will of Frances Alexander (December 20, 1823)
Cleary Moore v. Thomas Jacobs. Circuit Court Report (May 1833)
Clem Joice v. Robert Alexander. Civil Court Report (December 1808)
Cyrus Slater v. Enoch Bell. List of Slaves Imported into Greenbrier County (November 17, 1794)
Cyrus Slater v. Enoch Bell. Petition for Freedom
Delia v. Thomas Offutt. Defendant's Bill of Exceptions (January 6, 1816)
Delilah v. George Jacobs & Augustine B. Williams. Circuit Court Report (October 1832)
Dennis Brown v. Christopher Neale. Petition for Freedom
Elizabeth Bentley v. Thomas Keen. Petition for Freedom (June 3, 1809)
Ellen Johnson v. Morris Adler and Rachel Johnson v. Morris Adler. Petitioner's Jury Instructions (A)
Ellen Johnson v. Morris Adler and Rachel Johnson v. Morris Adler. Qualification to Petitioner's Jury Instructions (B)
Emanuel Gasbury v. Henry W. Ball. Circuit Court Report (June 1814)