China v. Benjamin D. Patterson. Affidavit of John Smith

John Smith this day made oath in open court that for many years past he has been well acquainted with a certain Benjamin D Patterson who has been a resident of the Town of Alexandria for more than six years past. that about three years ago a girl of colour named China was brought to the said Town of Alexandria and has been claimed by the said Benjamin D Patterson as his property. that some time ago and after the importation of the said girl this Deponent understood in conversation with the said Patterson that the said girl had been given to him by his father who resides in the State of Maryland. and that she had been imported by the said Benjamin D Patterson or sent to him by his father from the said State of Maryland into the County of Alexandria. this importation was distinctly admitted by the said Benjamin D. Patterson. the said Deponent further makes oath that the said girl has continued to reside in the County of Alexandria for more than twelve months
Sworn to in Open Court this 27th day December 1809
G Deneale cc