Your search for: "Summons" returned 1298 results
Mary Butler v. Adam Craig. Summons of Adam Craig (April 12, 1784)
Molly Butler v. Francis Plowden. Summons of Francis Plowden (May 17, 1788)
Molly Butler v. Francis Plowden. Petition for Freedom (May 17, 1788)
Stephen Butler v. Charles Carroll. Summons of Charles Carroll (March 28, 1789)
Ralph Butler v. John Lucas. Summons of John Lucas (May 14, 1789)
Charity Butler v. Joseph Thompson. Summons of Joseph Thompson (October 19, 1789)
Elizabeth Butler v. Henry Hill. Summons of Henry Hill (October 19, 1789)
Stephen Butler v. Charles Carroll. Summons of Charles Carroll (July 28, 1790)
Chloe Butler v. Nicholas L. Sewall. Summons of Nicholas L. Sewall (September 25, 1790)
Giles Butler v. John Somerville. Summons of George Somerville (October 19, 1790)
Jerrard Butler v. Robert Lawson. Summons of Robert Lawson (December 7, 1790)
Jacob Butler v. Eleanor Taney. Summons of Eleanor Taney (December 6, 1790)
Ignatius Butler v. Joseph Simms. Summons of Joseph Sims (December 7, 1790)
Anne Butler v. Mary Shervin. Summons of Mary Shervin (December 7, 1790)
Thomas Butler v. Bennett Posey. Summons of Bennett Posey (December 7, 1790)
Mary Butler v. Robert Lawson. Summons of Robert Lawson (December 7, 1790)
Henrietta Butler v. Edward Hamilton. Summons of Edward Hamilton (December 7, 1790)
Henrietta Butler v. Edward Smith. Summons of Edward Smith (December 7, 1790)
Lydia Butler v. James Carrico. Summons of James Carrico (December 7, 1790)
Electius Butler v. Bennett Posey. Summons of Bennett Posey (December 7, 1790)
Milley Butler v. Robert Sinnett. Summons of Robert Sinnett (December 7, 1790)
Anthony Butler v. Mary Shervin. Summons of Mary Shervin (December 7, 1790)
Rebecca Butler v. Mary Shervin. Summons of Mary Shervin (December 7, 1790)
Henny Butler v. Charles Carroll. Summons of Charles Carroll (December 7, 1790)
Rebecca Butler v. Robert Lawson. Summons of Robert Lawson (December 7, 1790)
Jane Butler v. Robert Lawson. Summons of Robert Lawson (December 7, 1790)
Agnes Butler v. Robert Lawson. Summons of Robert Lawson (December 7, 1790)
Eleanor Butler v. Robert Lawson. Summons of Robert Lawson (December 7, 1790)
James Butler v. James Arnold. Summons of James Arnold (April 14, 1791)
Robert Thomas v. Henry Pile. Summons of Henry Pile (August 16, 1791)
Edward Queen v. John Ashton. Summons of John Ashton (October 17, 1791)
Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton. Summons of John Ashton (October 18, 1791)
David Queen v. Sylvester Boarman. Summons of Sylvester Boarman (August 28, 1794)
Ann Queen v. Sylvester Boarman. Summons of Sylvester Boarman (August 28, 1794)
Sylvia v. George Coryell. Summons of Morris Worrell et al. (July 19, 1799)
Rose v. James Kennedy Jr. Summons of James Kennedy (August 25, 1799)
Jacob v. Stephen Cooke. Summons of Molly Fitzpatrick & William Hunter (April 7, 1800)
Sylvia v. George Coryell. Petition for Freedom & Affidavit of Jonathan Faw (April 9, 1800)
Sylvia v. George Coryell. Summons of Morris Worrell & Mrs. Worrell (April 9, 1800)
Jacob v. Stephen Cooke. Summons of Stephen Cooke (April 23, 1800)
Sylvia v. George Coryell. Summons of George Coryell (April 23, 1800)
Sylvia v. George Coryell. Summons of Morris Worrell & Mrs. Worrell (April 13, 1802)
Rose v. James Kennedy Jr. Summons of Nancy Bignall (April 27, 1801)
Rose v. James Kennedy Jr. Summons of Sarah Bissington & Mary Taylor (July 15, 1801)
Rose v. James Kennedy Jr. Summons of James Craik & Robert T. Hooe (July 11, 1801)
Rose v. James Kennedy Jr. Summons of Theodorick Lee (July 14, 1801)
Rose v. James Kennedy Jr. Summons of James Craik & Robert T. Hooe (April 13, 1802)
Rose v. James Kennedy Jr. Summons of Sarah Easton (July 21, 1802)
Amie v. Hanson Reno. Summons of Patrick Curry, Elizabeth Marle, & Samuel Cooper (July 6, 1803)
Bazil Thomas v. James Kennedy Jr. Summons of James Kennedy Jr. (August 22, 1804)