Sylvia v. George Coryell. Summons of Morris Worrell & Mrs. Worrell

The Commonwealth of Virginia,
To the Sergeant of the Court of Hustings, in the Town of Alexandria, Greeting:
You are hereby commanded to summon Morris Worrell and Worrell his Wife to appear before the Justices of our said Court of Hustings, at the Court-House in the Town of Alexandria, on the Immediately day of Court, to testify and the truth to speak, on behalf of Negro Silvia in a certain matter of controversy now depending and undetermined between Negro Silvia & George Coryell and this they shall in no wise omit, under the penalty of 100l. and have then there this writ.
Witness, George Deneale, Clerk of the said Court, this 9th Day of April 1800
G. Deneale CC