Sylvia v. George Coryell. Summons of Morris Worrell et al.

The Commonwealth of Virginia,
To the Serjeant of the Court of Hustings in the Town of Alexandria, Greeting:
You are hereby commanded to summon Morris Whorrel, John Halbright, Benja. Hawkins & John Ellwood to appear before the Justices of the said Court of Hustings, at the Court-House in Alexandria, on the Friday after the third first Monday August to testify, and the truth to say, in behalf of Negro Silvia in a certain matter of controversy in our said Court depending and undetermined, between Negro Silvia Plf & George Coryell Def and this they shall in nowise omit under the penalty
of 100 pounds, and have then there this Writ.
Witness, Peter Wagner, Geo. Deneale Clerk of the said Court, this 19th Day of July 1799.
G. Deneale

Negro Sylvia
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