Your search for: "1858-01 (document)" returned 30 results
Sarah H. Medulla v. Georgiana Munroe. Summons of Georgiana Munroe (November 16, 1857)
Susan Steward v. Henry L. Holley. Petition for Freedom (January 7, 1858)
Fanny Hamilton v. Mary Roberson. Summons of Mary Roberson (November 17, 1857)
Mary Lucinda Someby v. Samuel E. Douglass. Deposition of David A. Hall (January 16, 1856)
Mary Lucinda Someby v. Samuel E. Douglass. Petition for Freedom (October 14, 1854)
George Gray v. Stephen Howison. Summons of Stephen Howison (November 17, 1857)
Mary Lucinda Someby v. Samuel E. Douglass. Statement of Costs (July 1, 1855)
Mary Jane Jones v. Peter Hewitt. Summons of Peter Hewitt (December 20, 1856)
Charles Bell v. Luther Jones. Summons of Luther Jones (November 17, 1857)
Mary Lucinda Someby v. Samuel E. Douglass. Answer (January 17, 1856)
Betsy Burke v. Ann Turner. Petition for Freedom (February 12, 1847)
Joseph Green v. Henry Green & Peter Wheeler. Summons of Henry Green & Peter Wheeler (November 18, 1857)
John Butler v. William D. Bell. Petition for Freedom (September 9, 1857)
John Butler v. William D. Bell. Summons of William D. Bell (September 9, 1857)
Susan Steward v. Henry L. Holley. Summons of Henry L. Holley (January 7, 1858)
Ann Kane v. Thomas Ogden. Summons of Thomas Ogden (November 17, 1857)
Mary Lucinda Someby v. Samuel E. Douglass. Summons of Samuel E. Douglass (October 14, 1854)
Margaret Lewis v. Bridget McLaughlin. Summons of Bridget McLaughlin (November 7, 1857)
Milly Henderson v. William Sexsmith. Summons of William Sexsmith (November 17, 1857)
Letty Lucas v. John R. Ratcliffe. Summons of John R. Ratcliffe (November 17, 1857)
Betsy Burke v. Ann Turner. Summons of Ann Turner (November 17, 1857)
Mary Lucinda Someby v. Samuel E. Douglass. Deposition of George T. McGlue (January 17, 1856)
Samuel Stacey v. James Knox. Summons of James Knox (November 17, 1857)
Stephen Ambush v. James G. Robinson. Summons of James G. Robinson (November 18, 1857)
Lucy Bosy v. Ann Maria Fitzhugh. Summons of Ann Maria Fitzhugh (November 17, 1857)
Henry Compton v. William Dorsey. Summons of William Dorsey (November 17, 1857)
Virginia Frances Gracon v. Caroline Amanda Jordan. Summons of Caroline Amanda Jordan (November 20, 1857)
Mary Lucinda Someby v. Samuel E. Douglass. Order to Show Cause (January 17, 1856)
Rebecca Madella v. Virginia Munroe. Summons of Virginia Munroe (November 17, 1857)
Mary Jane Jones v. Peter Hewitt. Petition for Freedom (December 20, 1856)