Rachel Shorter et al. v. Ann Casanave. Depositions of Mary Diggs & Nathan Soper


Maryland. Prince William George's County, To Wit

The Deposition of Mary Diggs of the County aforesaid aged ninety years, and upwards, being duly sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, saith that she has resided in the said County and within a few miles of the former residence of Robert Darnell upwards of seventy years, and have been in the early part of her residence in habits of Intimacy and frequent Visiting in said Darnalls Family. and during that time nor at any other time did she ever Know or hear of a white woman living or being in any manner attached to the family of said Darnell by the name of Ann Wells. The said Mary Diggs farther states that the Mother of her servant Michael was a Mulatto Woman and always a slave.

Taken by consent of Parties and at their request in relation to a suit now depending in the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia in which Rachael Shorter & others is plaintiffs and Ann Casnivave defendant.

Sworn to before the subscriber one of the Justices of the Peace for Prince Georges County this first day of October 1823.

C. [illegible]Benson


Maryland, Prince George's County , Ss

The deposition of Nathan Soper of the County aforesaid aged eighty two years & upwards, being first duly sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, saith, that he undertook the management of the Forest estate of the Late Notley Young in the county aforesaid, in the year seventeen hundred and sixty two, and continued in that situation twenty eight years. and Knew his slaves at that farm well. that among other other slaves under his management, was a dark; not a bright Mulatto Woman named Rachael, who continued under his management during the whole time aforesaid as a slave and was worked as such that he never heard her claim her freedom during the time aforesaid. That Her Hair was short woolley Hair: she was a Breeding woman, when he went to live with Mr. Young, and was the Mother of several children, one he recollects was named Nan, another was named Jack. Being asked how old Rachel was when he first knew Her, answers that He cannot say, but thinks that she was about as old as this deponent. This deponent further saith that, during the time he lived with Mr. Young, he never heard any body say that Rachael was entitled to freedom nor did he hear any talk about it. And further saith not.

Taken by consent of parties and at   at their request, in relation to a suit now depending in the Circuit Court for the District of Columbia in which a descendant of Rachael is Plaintiff and Ann Casnivase is defendant.

Sworn to before the subscriber an associate Justice of the Superior Court of the United States this 29th day of September 1823.

(Nathan Sopar his Mark +)

G. Duvall associate J. S.C.U.S.

Dis. of Cola. Alexa. County sct.

I Edmund J. Lee clerk of the United States Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Alexandria do hereby certify that the forgoing is a true Copy from the Original now in my office. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal of Office this 29th Day of Novr. 1823.

Edm: J. Lee, Cu.


862. tri:

Rachel Shorter & others
Ann Cassanave & others

Mr Brent
File 'em[?] & enter me for Defts.
F S Key

filed 9th Jany 1824