Charlotte, Charles, & Mary Ann v. Henry Clay
United States. Circuit Court (District of Columbia) - Washington (D.C.)Claim for Freedom Made
Verdict for Defendant May 26, 1830
Case Documents
- Charlotte v. Henry Clay. Deed of Manumission (February 25, 1792)
- Charlotte v. Henry Clay. Bill of Sale (May 12, 1806)
- Charlotte v. Henry Clay. Petition for Freedom (February 13, 1829)
- Charlotte v. Henry Clay. Summons of Henry Clay (February 13, 1829)
- Charlotte v. Henry Clay. Agreement (June 30, 1829)
- Charlotte v. Henry Clay. Defendant's Interrogatories to James Conden (August 13, 1829)
- Charlotte v. Henry Clay. George W. Dawson & Robert Beale to William Brent (August 13, 1829)
- Charlotte v. Henry Clay. Commission of John P. Erwin & William Carroll (August 14, 1829)
- Charlotte v. Henry Clay. James Condon's Answers to Interrogatories (October 26, 1829)
- Charlotte v. Henry Clay. Answers to Interrogatories of Ezekiel Richardson et al. (November 6, 1829)
Related Documents
- Charlotte v. Henry Clay. Answer of Henry Clay (From the Papers of Henry Clay) (February 18, 1829)
- Charlotte v. Henry Clay. James Condon to Henry Clay (From the Papers of Henry Clay) (March 1, 1829)
- Charlotte v. Henry Clay. Minute Book Entry (May 26, 1830)
Attorney for Plaintiff(s):
Attorney for Defendant(s):
- Beale, Robert
- Boutcher, Alfred H.
- Brent, William, 1774-1848
- Brooke, Walter T.
- Carroll, William, 1788-1844
- Clark, John F.
- Clay, Henry, 1777-1852
- Clay, Lucretia Hart, 1781-1864
- Condon
- Condon, James
- Cranch, William, 1769-1855
- Crisfield, John W. (John Woodland), 1806-1897
- Cross, Henry L.
- Dawson, George W.
- Dixon, John
- Dupee, Aaron
- Dupee, Charles
- Dupee, Charlotte
- Dupee, Mary Ann
- Erwin, John P.
- Ewing, Nathan
- Flint, William
- Fountain, John
- Goldsborough, Brice J.
- Graham, Daniel, 1789-1869
- Henry, John C.
- Houston, James
- Lowry, James H.
- Martin, William Bond
- Mowbray, John
- Orme, Jeremiah
- Parker, Daniel
- Parker, Daniel
- Parker, Ezekiel
- Reed, William
- Reitz, Frederick
- Richardson, Ezekiel
- Ringgold, Tench
- Standley, George
- Standley, Jonathan
- Standley, Leah
- Standley, Rachel
- Stevens, Paul
- Stuart, David
- Tannehill, Wilkins, 1787-1858
- Taylor, Thomas
- Wallace, Thomas
- Ward, George
- Wells, Isaac
- White, Robert
- Williams, Philip
- Woolford, Levin