Charlotte v. Henry Clay. Deed of Manumission
Be it remembered that the following Manumission was Received the twenty fifth day of February seventeen hundred and ninety two. To Wit
Know all men by these presents that I, George Stanley of Dorchester County and State of Maryland being possessed of three persons whom I lately purchased of Daniel Parker as Slaves and thinking it to be my indispensable duty to free them, have manumitted, discharged and forever set free, and by these presents do Manumit discharge and forever set free the three persons aforesaid. To Wit. Rachel Stanley to be free immediately. Leah Stanley to be free when she arrives at the age of Sixteen years, and Jonathan Stanley to be free when he arrives to the age of Twenty one years. In Testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this sixteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety two.
George Standley (Seal)
his x mark.
Sealed and delivered in presence of
George Ward
John Fountain
On the back of the aforegoing Manumission was the following endorsement to wit:
Dorchester County to wit: personally appeared before me the subscriber on of the Justices of the peace for the county aforesaid the within named George Standley and did acknowledge the within instrument of writing to be his act and deed and the said three persons therein named to be manumitted, according to the true intent and meaning of the said deed.
Taken and acknowledged this 25th day of February 1792.
Before . . . . Levin Woolford.
Maryland Dorchester County towit.
I hereby certify to all manner of persons whom it doth or may concern that the above manumission and acknowledgement thereon is truly and faithfully copied from Liber H. D. No. 6. one of the Record books of the County aforesaid.
In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the public Seal of my ofice this 11th day of December 1829.
E. Richardson Clk
Copy of Manumission
George Standley
Negro Rachel and others