Charlotte v. Henry Clay. George W. Dawson & Robert Beale to William Brent


Mr. Brent,

Please bring forward the case of Lotty vs Clay to the trial Docket, and issue a commission to John P. Erwin and William Carroll to take depositions at Nashville Tennessee, and to John C. Henry and Brice J Goldsborough to take depositions at Cambridge Maryland. Either party may forward interrogatories to Nashville before the 11th[?] Octr next on giving sending through the post office of this city a copy thereof 3 days previous to their being sent, to the opposite party. Either party to examine any witnesses at Cambridge previous to the 15th November next giving 3 days notice of time & place to the attorney of the opposite party at that place

Geo W. Dawson
atty for deft

Robert Beale
13th Aug. 1829



Negro Charlotte & Children
Henry Clay

Filed 13 Augt 1829