Your search for: "1792-05" returned 41 results
Henny Butler v. Thomas Clagett. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Mary Butler v. Rinaldo Johnson. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Clement Butler v. Jezreel Penn. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Agnes Butler v. Rachel Boarman. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Samuel Butler, Flora Butler, and Tracey Butler v. Adam Craig. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Ignatius Butler v. John Ford. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Samuel Butler v. William Bond. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Ignatius Butler v. William Craik. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Nase Butler v. Henry Hill. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Joanna Butler v. Mary Boarman. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Henny Butler v. Henry Hill. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Jane Butler v. Joseph Sims. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Lymus Butler v. Henry Hill. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Abraham Butler v. Elizabeth Ridgate. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Abraham Shorter v. Mary Anne Boarman. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Lucy Butler v. Benedict Wheeler. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Lectius Butler v. Ralph Jamistone. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Katy Butler v. Henry Hill. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Sarah Butler v. Henry Sothoron. Judgment Record (May 1792)
George Humphrey v. Benjamin Cawood and Rhody Humphrey v. Walter Boswell. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Sarah Butler v. Henry Sothoron. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Lewis Butler v. John Laidler. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Anna Butler, Moses Butler, Frank Butler v. John DeButts. Judgment Record (May 1792)
John Butler v. Henry Garner. Judgment Record (May 1792)
William Butler v. John Laidler. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Thomas Butler v. Jezreel Penn. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Lydia Butler v. Nicholas Swingle. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Benjamin Butler, Stephen Butler, Samuel Butler, Nell Butler, Hopey Butler, Jenny Butler, Nancy Butler, and Milly Butler v. Henrietta Plowden. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Sarah Butler v. Jezreel Penn. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Letty Butler v. Ann Digges. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Abigail Butler v. Henrietta Plowden. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Charles Butler v. John Thomas. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Jane Butler v. John Lancaster. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Bridgett Butler v. Richard Bennett Mitchell. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Milly Butler v. Henry Neale. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Jane Shorter v. Henry Neale. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Eleanor Butler v. Nicholas Peers. Judgment Record (May 1792)
William Butler v. Samuel Bond. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Adam Craig v. Mary Butler. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Henrietta Butler v. Williamson King. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Fanny Butler v. Rinaldo Johnson. Judgment Record (May 1792)