Ignatius Butler v. Joseph Simms. Deposition of John Butler
John Butler aged sixty nine years & upwards being sworn on the holy evangely of Almighty God deposeth & saith that he knows Rebecca the Mother of Ignatius a petitioner against Joseph Sims now present ever since he was seven years old, the said Rebecca was always reputed to be the daughter of Jane Butler who was daughter of Irish Nell a free white woman; and Rebecca aforesaid hath obtained her freedom on a petition against Mary Shervin. He further saith that Ralph Butler now present, a petitioner for his freedom against John Lucas is son of Nel Butler sister of Rebecca the mother of Ignatius aforesaid; and this deponent saith he knew Ralph ever since he as a child; & his mother also. That he knew Betty now present a petitioner for freedom against Henry Hill, ever since she was a child, she is the daughter of Phillis the sister of the deponent. That Chloe Butler now present a petitioner against Nicholas L. Sewall is daughter of the said Betty; also Clara Butler now present a petition against Patty Shade is daughter of Betty, and Gustavus now present a petitioner against William Thomas, and Ignatius now present a petitioner against William Craik are sons of the said Betty; and Lydia now present a petitioner against James Carrico; and Lucy a petitioner against Benedict Wheeler are daughters of the said Betty, and are all of them have been known by the deponent ever since they were small children. That Charles Butler now present has been known by the deponent ever since he was a sucking child and is the son of Nel Butler, and brother of Jeremiah Butler who obtained his freedom against John Cartwright. That Electius now present a petitioner against Ralph Jameston is son of Jane Butler who is sister to Ignatius abovementioned a petitioner against Joseph Sims; and the deponent has also known Stephen now present a petitioner against Eleanor Smith ever since he was a child, he is son of [strikethrough] Jane Butler whom the deponent knew ever since she was a child, who was daughter of Nanny Butler whom this deponent has known ever since he was very young; the said Nanny last named was mother of Nelly who was mother of Jeremiah who is now free on a petition against John Cartwright. sworn before the subscriber this twenty fourth day of December 1791.
Allen Quynn
Ignatius Butler
Joseph Simmes
Jdgt Octo 1791.
Ralph vs John Lucas - id
Eliza vs Henry Hill - id
Charles vs Benja Estep -
Electious vs Ralph Jameson. May 1792
Chloe vs Nichs L Sewall. Octo 1791
Clara vs Patty Shade. Octo 1793.
Gustavus vs Wm Thomas. Octo 1791.
Igns vs Wm Craik. May 1792.
Lydia vs Jas Carrico. May 1791
Lucy vs Bendict Wheeler. May 1792.
Stephen vs Eleanor Smith. Octo 1793.
John Butler's Depo
Filed 28. of Decr 1791