Emanuel Gasbury v. Henry W. Ball. Petitioner's Interrogatories to William Routt
Filed 6 June 1814
Interrogatories to be administered to William Roult of Northumberland County Virginia a witness for the Petitioner in the above mentioned caused to be produced sworn & examined on the part of the said Petitioner against the Defendant above named pursuant to an order of the said Circuit Court, sworn before John Cockarell Esquire a Justice of the peace of the said State of Virginia in & for the county aforesaid
First; Do you know Emanuel the Petitioner above named? If so where was he born and raised and to whom did he belong?
Secondly; Do you know the hand writing of the pass or permit hereto annexed dated 20th December 1811 at Northumberland County and directed to Henry W. Ball Washington City? Was that pass given by you? Is the signature "Wm Roult" your hand writing? or did you give that or other similar pass?
Thirdly; When & by whom was the said Emanuel sold to Henry W. Ball? and where was Emanuel at the time he was sold to said Ball?
Fourthly: State what you know relative to the sale of said Emanuel to said Ball and thte dates of the transactions concerning said sale.
F. S. Key
attorney for Petr.
The said William Roult being by me duly sworn to make true answers to the foregoing interrogatories deposeth and saith as follows
To the first Interrogatory he saith: that he has known the petitioner from his infancy. He was born and raised in Northumberland County Virginia and belonged originally to this affiants father Richard Routt senr. after whose decease upon a division of the [illegible] he was allotted to this affiants sister Catharine Routt. Who subsequently intermarried with Major Wm. Claughton, with whom he lived untill the decease of Major Claughton & after the death of Mrs Blackwell who was formerly Mrs Claughton, the widow of Major Claughton, this affiant became the guardian of his [illegible] and took possession of the said fellow for [illegible]. in the
To the second he saith - that the pass or permitt in question was writeen by this affiant and signed by him. no other pass of a similar description was given the petitioner by this affiant. and that here to annexed was given him upon his solemn assurances to return by the following new year day.
To the Third he saith that the said Emanuel was not sold to the said Ball. In consequence of his failing to return at the time fixed on this affiant, implored his friend Capt. John C Straughan— who was going to Washington City on business of his own to have him arrested and brought back to the State of Virginia— after having been arrested as this affiant has been informed by Capt. Straughan and the said Emanuel escaped from the said Staughan— and while lurking out was exchanged by him with Mr. Henry W. Ball for a fellow of inferior value. This transaction took place in Mar 1812 to the best of this affiants recollection. To the fourth he saith— that the answer is included in that to the third Interrogatory—
Question by the defendants agent Capt. Spencer Ball in consequence of Emanuels failure to return to Northumberland[?] at the time appointed— Did you consider him to be
a run away. or did he hire himself out in Washington for your benefit? Answer — I certainly considered him a runaway. and if he hired himself out at all it was not with my permission or for my benefit
Wm Routt
Sworn to before the subscriber a Justice of the peace of the State of Virginia in & for the County of Northd at the court house of said county between the hours of ten in the forenoon and four in the afternoon on Friday the 20th day — of March May AD 1814
John Cockarell
Clerk of the county must certify under Seal that this person is a justice of the peace.
Northumberland County 20th Decr 1811
I have permitted Emanuel to come [illegible] his wife, and hope you will see that he behaves properly while he is there and also must request of you to make him start down timenoughf to get here by new years day and youl very much oblige your friend.
Wm Routt
Mr. Henry W. Ball
Washington City