Your search for: "per.001514" returned 110 results
Henny Butler, Joseph Butler, Jane Butler, & Nase Butler v. James Fenwick (May 1, 1798)
Henny Butler, Joseph Butler, Jane Butler, & Nase Butler v. James Fenwick. Judgment Record (May 1798)
Henrietta Shorter v. Henry Barnes (May 1, 1795)
Henrietta Shorter v. Henry Barnes. Judgment Record (May 1795)
Henry Humphrey v. James Smallwoood (October 1, 1795)
Henry Humphrey v. James Smallwoood. Judgment Record (October 1795)
Ignatius Humphrey v. John Lambeth (October 1, 1795)
Ignatius Shorter v. John Fenwick (October 1, 1795)
Ignatius Shorter v. John Fenwick. Judgment Record (October 1795)
Jenny Shorter v. Eleanor Bradford (October 1, 1795)
Jenny Shorter v. Eleanor Bradford. Judgment Record (October 1795)
John Boston v. John Francis Mercer (October 1, 1795)
John Boston v. John Francis Mercer. Judgement Record (October 1795)
John and James v. Edward Harris (September 13, 1794)
John and James v. Edward Harris. Judgement Record (September 13, 1794)
Joseph Shorter v. Thomas Brewer (May 1, 1796)
Joseph Shorter v. Thomas Brewer. Judgment Record (May 1796)
Joseph v. James Birckhead (September 10, 1794)
Joseph v. James Birckhead (September 10, 1794)
Juan Domingo Lopez v. Francis Phillips (April 10, 1770)
Juan Domingo Lopez v. Francis Phillips. Judgment Record (April 10, 1770)
Leonard Shorter v. Richard Edelen (October 1, 1795)
Leonard Shorter v. Richard Edelen. Judgment Record (October 1795)
Lucy Shorter v. Henry Neale. Judgment Record (October 1795)
Lucy Shorter, Charles Shorter, Will Shorter, Gerrard Shorter, Abby Shorter, & Henny Shorter v. Henry Neale (October 1, 1795)
Lydia Butler v. Nicholas Swingle (May 1, 1792)
Lydia Butler v. Nicholas Swingle. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Maria Boston v. Benjamin Ogle (May 1, 1793)
Maria Boston v. Benjamin Ogle. Judgement Record (May 1793)
Monica Shorter v. Edward Hazle (October 1, 1795)
Monica Shorter v. Edward Hazle. Judgment Record (October 1795)
Nase Butler v. Henry Hill (May 1, 1792)
Nase Butler v. Henry Hill. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Nase Butler v. Ignatius Gardiner (May 1, 1793)
Nase Butler v. Ignatius Gardiner. Judgment Record (May 1793)
Ned Booth v. John Lawrence (October 1, 1792)
Patty Shorter v. Thomas Stone. Judgment Record (October 1795)
Patty Shorter, Clement Shorter, Charles Shorter, Ned Shorter, Bett Shorter, Joseph Shorter, & James Shorter v. Thomas Stone (October 1, 1795)
Phillis Shorter & Letty Shorter v. Mary Boarman (May 1, 1796)
Phillis Shorter v. Mary Boarman. Judgment Record (May 1796)
Priscilla Shorter & Charity Shorter v. John Smith (October 1, 1795)
Priscilla Shorter v. John Smith. Judgment Record (October 1795)
Rhody Humphrey v. Walter Boswell (October 1, 1795)
Richard Booth v. David Weems (June 30, 1794)
Richard Booth v. David Weems. Judgment Record (October 1792)
Richard Booth v. David Weems. Transcript from General Court of the Western Shore (June 30, 1794)
Richard Booth v. David Weems. Transcript on Diminution from General Court of the Western Shore (June 30, 1794)
Robert Thomas v. Henry Pile (October 31, 1794)
Robert Thomas v. Henry Pile. Defendant's Bill of Exceptions (October 31, 1794)
Samuel Butler v. Josias Hancock (May 1, 1793)