Coolidge, Samuel Judson
Described in Case Documents As:
4 Related Cases:
- Ann Queen v. Sylvester Boarman
- Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton
- David Queen v. Sylvester Boarman
- Edward Queen v. John Ashton
6 Related Documents:
- Edward Queen v. John Ashton. Transcript from Prince George's County Court (May 10, 1796)
- Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton. Judgment Record (May 1799)
- Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton. Docket Sheet (May 1799)
- Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton. Transcript from Prince George's County Court (June 5, 1799)
- Ann Queen v. Sylvester Boarman and David Queen v. Sylvester Boarman. Court Record of Phillis Queen v. John Ashton (March 26, 1801)
- Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton. Judgment Record (October 1802)
Visualize Relationships
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- Juror For Ashton, John
- Juror For Mahoney, Charles
- Juror For Queen, Edward
- Juror For Queen, Phillis
- Juror With Baden Jr., John
- Juror With Baden, Thomas
- Juror With Belt, Humphry
- Juror With Brooker, Benjamin
- Juror With Burgess, John Magruder
- Juror With Compton, Henry Trueman
- Juror With Craufurd, Nathaniel
- Juror With Dick, Thomas
- Juror With Hager, Jonathan
- Juror With Hammond, Nathan
- Juror With Harwood, Thomas
- Juror With Hauer, Daniel
- Juror With Hilleary, Tilghman
- Juror With Hilleary, William
- Juror With Hodges, Charles
- Juror With Hoff, Abraham
- Juror With Howard, John
- Juror With Johnson, William
- Juror With Kendall, James
- Juror With Lansdale, Isaac
- Juror With Magill, Thomas
- Juror With Magruder, Dennis
- Juror With Magruder, Francis
- Juror With Mewburry, James
- Juror With Richardson, Benjamin
- Juror With Smith, William Hamilton
- Juror With Tice, Nicholas