Robert Thomas v. Henry Pile. Deposition of Thomas Webster

Thomas Webster of Charles County aged Seventy years and upwards, (a mulatto) being sworn on the holy Evangils of Almighty God, deposeth that he was born free and of a free White Woman and that he knew David Stone and lived near him when he died. That David Stone held and possessed a negro woman called Peg as a slave whom he afterwards parted with to John Semple. That he never heard that Peg was entitled to her Freedom except from herself, that she tried to swear that she was entitled to be free only might overcame her. but this deponent never heard from any other person that she had a right to Freedom; That David Stone was a good Man and kind Master, but Peg was a woman of high spirit and they could not agree. This deponent did not know Mrs Catherine Stone Widow of Thomas Stone. That this deponent knew Betty Mingo Mother of Peg, and that she was married to a mulatto man called Harry Cooper. That this deponent never heard that Betty Mingo was married to entitled to or had any Claim to her Freedom
Sworn the 23rd March 1793
Before Henry Barnes

Taken in the presence of us.
G. Duvall atty. for petr.
Philip B Key for Defdt
2¼ sid
Thomas Webster
filed 31. Octo 1794