Robert Thomas v. Henry Pile. Agreement

Robert Thomas
Henry Pile
Petn for Freedom in the general Court Novr Term 1792
It is agreed that all depositions taken in this Case on ten days Notice to the Petitioners or defendant's Council before a Justice of the Peace shall be received and read in Evidence in all the Cases of Petitioning Negroes under the name of Thomas claiming their Freedom as descendents of a Certain Betty Mingo otherwise called Betty Thomas, or her female ancestors, before on the general Question touching the right of Betty Mingo or otherwise called Betty Thomas or her female Ancestors to Freedom under the Laws of this Country.
G Duvall for Petrs.
Philip B Key for defdt.
Mr Gwinn may enter the Same agreement Changing the Names in all the Cases of the States where I am concernd.
G. Duvall for petrs.
Philip B Key for defdt

2 sid
filed 22d Novr. 1792.
Shorters & Thomas's
Duvalls Agreet