Moses Rustin v. John E. Stromatt. Warrant for John E. Stromatt
Whereas Moses Rustin, a negro man, now in the possession of John E. Stromatt, hath complained before me Joseph Eaches a Justice of the Peace for the County aforesaid, in the District of Columbia, that he is illegally detained in slavery, by the said John E. Stromatt although he is entitled to his freedom. These are therefore, to require you, to summon the said John E. Stromatt to appear before me, or some other magistrate, of the County of Alexandria, aforesaid, at my office, on the 20th day of this present month, to answer the said complaint; and for such other proceedings thereupon, as are authorized by law: and then and there make return how[?] you have executed this warrant.
Given under my hand and seal this 20th day December 1845.
Jos. Eaches (seal)
John B Hancock Constable
Will execute the above Warrant
Jos. Eaches