Samuel Reeler v. Matthew Robinson. Demurrer

Samuel Reeler vs Matthew Robinson
Memorandum on the Trial of this suit to support the issue on his part joined the plf introduced as Witness. Mrs Sullivan who gave evidence that she was acquainted with the plf in the state of Maryland, that he was then about four or five years of age, and belonged to a person of the name of Shelton that on the death of Shelton he was sold by his son to one Samuel Harrison then residing in Maryland that the said Sl Harrison Harrison removed with his family to Alexandria and resided in Alexandria until his death which took place on the day of 1796
The plf further introduced as a witness Hartley who proved that Cavan Boa had departed this life on the 20 day of August 1798
Mrs Coleman who testified - here insert her deposition - The will of Samuel Harrison & the probate thereof in other words & the account sales of said Samuel Harrisons estate the appraizement of the affect of Cavan Boa in the words - here insert it.
And introduced as a witness one John Longden who testified that he was acquainted with the said Samuel Harrison that removed from the State of Maryland with his family to the Town of Alexandria in the latter part of the summer or fall but in what year witness did not recollect, and lived in Alexandria more than six months and upwards before he died. that he brought with him several slaves.
The Defdt on his part offered in evidence to the Jury the will of Barbara Harrison the widow and devisee of the said Samuel in these words - here insert it.
The Inventory & appraizement of the estate of the said Samuel Harrison in these words, in which appraizement the plf is mentioned as one of the children of Sylvia & appraized with her & her
child Betty.
An Inventory & appraizement of the estate of Samuel Harrison & Barbara his wife, dated 2 & 3rd of November 1796 in which the plf is appraized as an Infant at £10 the account sales of Barbara Harrison estate. The account sales of the estate of Cavan Boa, in which the plf is returned or sold at £9,,6. which papers so offered by the defd were brought in by the rig
The Defdt introduced as a witness Mrs Caton who proved that she was acquainted with the pf at the time he was purchased by Cavan Boa, at the sale of Samuel Harrisons estate made as appears by the account thereof before refused to on the day of Jan 1797 that he appeard to be [illegible] about four or five years of age.
To which evidence the Defd demurs & plf joins in Demurrer
R. I. Taylor
Thomson F Mason