Andrew Jones v. Joshua Pearce. Will of Nancy H. Baker

In the name of God, Amen. I Nancy H Baker of Washington City in the District of Columbia, being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament, in manner and form following, that is to say.
First; I give to Overton Carr Junior for his own proper use and free disposal the following named slaves until they respectively arrive at the ages of thirty years, when they are to be forever after free; to wit; Mary, Sissy, a yellow boy named Andrew, Robert, Catherine and George which last is now in the service of Joshua Pierce Esquire.
Second. I give and bequeath my negro Girl Becky (now fourteen years of age) to the aforesaid Overton Carr Junior in trust for the use of her mother Betsy Wells to serve the said Betsy until the said Becky shall have attained to the age of thirty years at which time it is my will that she be forever after free, provided nevertheless, the said Becky shall be free from the date of the mothers death, should the said Betsy die before the said Becky shall have reached the specified age of thirty years.
Third. I give and bequeath to Overton Carr Junior, Mr. Joshua Peirce's note to me for two hundred dollars, with the interest which has accrued or may accrue thereon.
Fourth. I also give and bequeath to the said Overton Carr Junior all the stock of the Corporation of Washington City whenof I shall die possessed.
Fifth. I give to my niece Nancy Carr my bed, bedding, and all the household furniture that I shall die possessed of.
Sixthly. I hereby give and bequeath to my sister
Chloe Lee Carr all the residue of my property of whatsoever nature or description that I now possess, or that I may hereafter be entitled to, whether real, personal or [illegible].
Lastly. I hereby appoint Overton Carr Jr sole executor of this my last will and testament: hereby revoking all former Wills by me made. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Twenty ninth day of March in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and thirty eight.
N. H. Baker (seal)
Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Nancy H. Baker to this her last Will and testament in the presence of us, who have here unto subscribed our names as witnesses, in the presence of the testatrix.
G. D. Hanson
S. Frost
John P. Ingle
District of Columbia, Orphan's Court
Washington County, towit: December 10th 1839.
This day appeared, John P. Ingle, one of the subscribing Witnesses to the aforegoing last will & testament, of Nancy H. Baker later of Washington County aforesaid, deceased. and made an oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that he did see the Testatrix therein named sign & seal, this will; that he published pronounced & declared the same to be her last Will & Testament. That at the time of so doing she was to the best of his apprehension of sound & disposing mind memory & understanding. And, that he together with Grafton D. Hanson & S. Frost the other subscribing witnesses, respectively subscribed their names as Witnesses to this will; in
the presence & at the request of the Testatrix & in the presence of each other.
Test. Ed. N, Roach Reg Wills
District of Columbia,
Washington County, to wit:
I certify, that the aforegoing is a true copy from the Original filed and recorded in the Office of the Register of Wills, for Washington County, aforesaid.
Witnesses my hand and seal of Office, this 21st day of October in the year 1842.
Ed. N, Roach Reg wills

Last Will & Testament of Nancy H. Baker