Rose Herbert v. Mary Ringgold. Petition for Freedom

To the Honble the Circuit Court.
Your Petitioner Rose Herbert and your Petitioners William, Theodosia, John and Sandy, Elizabeth, Edward and Robert Herbert children of the said Rose respectfully represent to your Honorable Court that they are free but that one Mary D. C. Ringgold claims them as her slaves and although they have for years been going about acting & recognized as free persons yet that the said Mary Ringgold now threatens to take possession of & sell them as her slaves: therefore your Petitioners pray the protection of your Honble Court and that a writ of subpoena be issued to said Mary Ringgold commanding her to appear & answer this petition
J B H Smith
atty of Petitioners

83. 128. 5.
Rose Herbert & William, Theodosia, John, Sandy, Elizabeth, Edward & Robert Rose
Mary Rinngold
Filed 9th July 1853.
The Clerk will please issue summons on this Petitioner.
J. B. H. Smith atty
July 9th 1853