Milly v. Basil Warring & John Gantt. Petition for Freedom

To the Honble the Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia
The petition of negro Milly humbly sheweth that your Petitioner is entitled to her freedom in consequence of being imported into the District contrary to law, & also in consequence of being sold by John Gantt who had imported your Petitioner into this District to Basil Warring, within three years of her said importation: and your Petitioner hath her petition now filed & depending in this Court in Washington County.
And your Petitioner states that she is fearful that the said Warring or the said Gantt will by force remove your Petitioner out of the reach & jurisdiction of this Honble Court into the State of Virginia, or into some foreign parts, they having already attempted so to do. Wherefore she prays your Honors for the United States writ of subpoena, & also of Injunction to the said Defendants Warring & Gantt directed & to their servants & agents, enjoining & prohibiting them & each of them from removing your Petitioner out of this County until her said Petition is tried
& your Petitioner will ever &c
Key & Dunlop for Petr.
On this 24th day of Novr. 1822 the within Petitioner made oath before me in due form that the facts & statements in the aforegoing petition are true as stated.
Sworn before me.
Danl Rapine

1330 Ts 214
B. Warring & J. Gantt
Petn for Injunction
Mr Brent
File this & issue subpa & (with leave of a Judge.) Injunction as prayed.
K. & D.
Let a Subpa. and injunction issue as prayed
B: Thruston
Col Brent
24th. Novr. 1822
filed 25th. Novr. 1822