Emanuel Gasbury v. Henry W. Ball. Deposition of John. C. Straughan

Emanuel, alias Emanuel Gasbury
Henry W. Ball
Petition for freedom in the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, County of Washington
The deposition of John C. Straughan, of lawful age, being first duly sworn, taken at Northumberland Courthouse, in the State of Virginia, pursuant to previous notice, to be read as evidence in the case aforesaid, on Tuesday the 10th of May 1814 between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and three in the afternoon of the same day—The parties being represented by counsel present the said Straughan deposeth & saith that Emanuel the petitioner was held by William Routt as Guardian to Betsy & Kitty Claughton orphans of Maj William Claughton died, that this negro was permitted to go to Washington City to see his wife and was to return by Newyears day of the year 1812. he did not return at the time but overstaid his time; and he this deponent was going up the country, and was authorised by Capn William Routt to apprehend the negro & dispose of him as he the said Straughan thought
proper, and that he the said Straughan went to Washington in the Spring 1812, and apprehended the said negro, and previously to his having disposed of him, he made his elopement from him in Washington, and this deponent fearing that he should not get him again, he exchanged, him with Henry W. Ball for a negro
negro of less value, and further this deponent saith not.
Jn C. Straughan
Virginia, Northumberland County, to wit:
Sworn before the subscriber, a Justice of the peace of the State of Virginia, in and for the county aforesaid, and the Courthouse thereof, between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon & three in the afternoon, on Tuesday the 10th day of May 1814. Given under my hand the day & date aforesaid.
Mottrom Ball
Virginia, Northumberland County to wit:
I Fleming Bales clerk of the County Court of Northumberland do hereby certify that Mottrom Ball before whom the foregoing deposition was taken, was at that time duly commissioned & an acting Justice of the Peace in & for the County aforesaid, [illegible] is, & ought to be given to all his actings & doings as such—
I testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed seal of the said County this 12th day of May 1814.
F. Bales cc

Filed 6 June 1814