Your search for: "per.001493" returned 341 results
Henny Butler v. Thomas Clagett. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Jerrard Butler v. Robert Lawson (October 1, 1791)
William Butler v. Joseph Edelen (May 1, 1796)
Eleanor Butler v. Robert Lawson. Judgment Record (October 1791)
Robert Thomas v. Henry Pile. Agreement (November 22, 1792)
Eleanor Shorter & James Shorter v. Hanson Briscoe (May 1, 1796)
Agnes Butler v. Rachel Boarman (May 1, 1792)
Patty Shorter v. Thomas Stone. Judgment Record (October 1795)
Robert Thomas v. Henry Pile (October 31, 1794)
Deborah Boston v. Benjamin Ogle. Judgement Record (May 1793)
Mary Butler v. Rinaldo Johnson. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Eleanor Butler v. Joseph Gardiner (October 1, 1792)
Ignatius Butler v. Joseph Simms. Summons of Joseph Sims (December 7, 1790)
Abraham Shorter v. Mary Anne Boarman (May 1, 1792)
Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton. Judgment Record (May 1799)
Charity Butler v. Joseph Thompson. Summons of Joseph Thompson (October 19, 1789)
Clement Butler v. Jezreel Penn. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton. Deposition of Howard Duvall (May 23, 1796)
Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton. Transcript from Court of Appeals (October 4, 1802)
Agnes Butler v. Rachel Boarman. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Gerard Shorter v. Mary Boarman (October 1, 1795)
Clement Butler v. Leonard Boarman (October 1, 1792)
Sarah Butler v. Henry Sothoron (May 1, 1792)
Ignatius Humphrey v. John Lambeth (October 1, 1795)
Henny Butler v. Charles Carroll (December 29, 1791)
Samuel Butler, Flora Butler, and Tracey Butler v. Adam Craig. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Monica Shorter v. Edward Hazle. Judgment Record (October 1795)
Edward Booth v. David Weems (October 1, 1792)
Samuel Butler, Flora Butler, and Tracey Butler v. Adam Craig (May 1, 1792)
Ignatius Butler v. John Ford. Judgment Record (May 1792)
William Butler v. Joseph Neale. Judgment Record (October 1794)
Fanny Boston v. John Francis Mercer (October 1, 1795)
Henny Boston v. John Francis Mercer (October 1, 1795)
Abigail Butler v. Henrietta Plowden (May 1, 1792)
Peter Boston v. Richard Richardson. Judgement Record (October 1795)
Jacob Butler v. Eleanor Taney. Summons of Eleanor Taney (December 6, 1790)
Nase Butler v. Ignatius Gardiner. Judgment Record (May 1793)
Benjamin Boston v. Richard Sprigg. Judgement Record (October 1795)
Ignatius Shorter v. John Fenwick (October 1, 1795)
Mary Butler v. Robert Lawson. Judgment Record (October 1791)
Maria Boston v. Benjamin Ogle (May 1, 1793)
Rachel Butler v. Benjamin Posey (May 1, 1793)
Elizabeth Butler v. Elizabeth McWilliams. Judgment Record (October 1792)
Samuel Butler v. William Bond. Judgment Record (May 1792)
Jacob Butler v. Eleanor Taney (October 1, 1791)
Josias Butler v. James Neale (May 1, 1800)
Jane Shorter v. Henry Neale (May 1, 1792)
Ignatius Butler v. Joseph Simms. Judgment Record (October 1791)
Anne Butler v. Mary Shervin. Summons of Mary Shervin (December 7, 1790)
Basil Shorter v. Henry Rozer (October 1, 1794)