Ralph Butler v. John Lucas. Deposition of Clement Parsons


Ralph Butler
John Lucas

Peto for freedom.

The deposition of Clement Parsons of Saint Marys County aged 62 years deposeth & saith that he hired the petitioner of the defendant three or four years ago; and he heard the defendant say that if the Butlers got free who had the same equal right with Ralph, he should set Ralph free without Costs or trouble, and this deponent understood from the defendants conversation at the time that he admitted the petitioner to be of the Butler Breed [strikethrough], and further he saith not.

Sworn this 24th day of May 1791, before the subscriber one of the Justices of Anne Arundel County.

Allen Quynn


Depo Clement Parsons

Ralph Butler
John Lucas

Judgt Octo 1791

Eleanor Butler

Ed. Spalding, Chs

Letty - George Edelin - Chs

May - Joseph Gousman[?] - Chs

filed 16 May 1792