Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton. Deposition of Nathaniel Talbot

The Deposition of Nathaniel Talbot of Prince Georges County aged near seventy years being first duly sworn on the holy Evangels of Almighty God deposeth and saith That he this Deponent hath known John Wheat Senior of Prince Georges County ever since the Deponent was a boy and hath always lived in his neighbourhood within a few miles of him and for more than twenty years past within sight of his House. being asked what is the general Character of the said John Wheat saith it is very bad and that he is not esteemed by his neighbours as worthy of credit and his Testimony where he lives would not be believed
Whether is John Wheat of such a Character as to Swear to a falsehood
Thinks he would by what he has got to say.
Sworn to this 28th May 1797 before in open Court
Jno Gwinn Cl
This deposition to be read in evidence if the witness dies or is unable to attend Court. The same to be read in all or any of the cases of petitions for freedom by persons claiming to be descended from Ann Joice
John Johnson for Petr
John Thom Mason for Deft

2 sds
Nathaniel Talbutt
(Bad Character of Wheat)
filed 30 May 1797
No 12.