Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton. Deposition of Richard Darnall


Anne Arundel County October 12th 1792

Came Richard Darnall before me the Subscriber & made oath on the Holy Evangalist of Almighty God that he does not Know any of the Negroes belonging to John Ashton or any other of the parties. Except Two Negroe Men by the name of Sam & James Belonging to Francis Worthy. The Said Deponant Further Saith that He never Knew nor heard of such a Woman as Ann Joyce until the Parties sued for their Freedom. nor did this Deponant Know the Father of Frs Hall but was Acquainted wit the sd Frs Hall but never heard him nor any other Person Mention the sd Ann Joyce until the said Parties sued for their Freedom. The Said Deponant Further saith tht he never heard tht the sd Ann Joyce was Compelld to Serve for a Term of Years for Having Bastard Children nor did He ever hear How many Children the sd Anne Joyce had nor does he Know any of the Children or ever heard of any such People until the Parties sued for their Freedom as above mentd The said Depont further says tht he Knows of no Conversation Relative to Charles in any respect Whatever The sd Depont further declares tht he does not Know nor ever Heard of Anne Joyce Cross the Daughter of Ann Joyce Aforsd nor of her being Bound to Jno Chapman nor any thing else Relative to the Said Ann Joyce Cross neither to her being Bound out by Prince Georges County Court nor any one Thing Relative to Sue or to her Mother Ann Joyce. Sworn to before Sam Harrison