Robert Thomas v. Henry Pile. Deposition of Jannett McClaron

Charles County to wit.
The deposition of Jannett McClaron aged Eighty nine years or there abouts taken in Consequence of the Annex'd Letter of notice and being sworn upon the Holy Evangels of Almighty God deposeth and Saith. That she knew Peg and understood she belonged to John Sample. That Peg was a black woman. That John Sample gave David Stone a negro man for her who was called Jack. That Peg belonged to Sample upwards of Twenty years ago. That she never understood Peg or her mother claimd their freedom. That she was offered by Mr. Stones boy who she supposes to be Between fifteen and Twenty years of age, and one of the Petitioners who said he was one of the Race of Peg Two Dollars to swear that his great grand Mother was white meaning the mother of Peg. Taken the 15th day of October 1792. before the Subscriber one of the Justices of the peace for the County aforesaid.
James Freeman

Mrs McLaran further deposes that it is forty or fifty years ago since she was acquainted with David Stone and his Family. That Peg was treated by Mr. Semple as his House keeper but held and claimed as a slave. This deponent knew Peg very well but never heard of her claim or of any claim to Freedom by said Peg. This deponent never was at Mr David Stones but once in her Life, but her Husband was there very often. That Peg was a high spirited woman and used to converse freely with everybody. This deponent never heard Peg say she ought to be free because she had borne many children, or complain of being sold, nor does she recollect any Conversation or talk about it, or to this effect. this deponent has heard of Mrs Catherine Stone but never saw or knew her, nor does she recollect any thing of her Character.
Sworn to, the 23rd March 1793
Before Henry Barnes
Taken in presence of us.
G Duvall Atty for petrs.
Philip B Key for Defdts.
Mrs McClaran
filed 31. Octr 1794