Robert Thomas v. Henry Pile. Deposition of Margaret Carnes

Charles County to wit
The deposition of Margaret Carnes aged forty six years or there abouts taken in Consequence of the Annex'd Letter of notice and being Sworn upon the Holy evangels of Almighty God deposeth and saith.
"That she heard Mr. Stones Boy called Guss offer her mother Jennet McClaron fifteen shilling to swear that his grand mother was a white woman. That she understood that he meant Betty Mingo The mother of Peg who formerly belong'd to John Sample. Taken the 15th day of October 1792 before the subscriber one of the Justices of the Peace for the County aforesaid.
James Freeman
Admitted to be read in Evidence.
G. Duvall atty. for petrs.

Margaret Carnes's Deposition
No. 10.
1 ¼
Margaret Carnes
filed 31. Octo 1794